Chapter 27 - In the Light of Day

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Author's Note: Truths revealed... ;) I know some of y'all have been waiting for this to happen for a looong time. Bet none of you thought it would be like this. xD

~ Amina Gila

Ahsoka makes a face. "I don't think he's coming," she says, looking at Omega. It has been... strange for her to get used to the young female clone spending so much time with Anakin and Vader. Omega is so young and innocent, though, that Ahsoka can't find any jealousy within herself. And she finds that she enjoys spending time with Omega. She's eager to please and eager to learn.

Omega shrugs, sitting cross-legged on the floor in front of Ahsoka. "Anakin told me he might not make it," she replies. "You can teach me the basics, though, right?"

Uh... That had not been the plan. "Yes, of course," she assures her. A part of her wonders if this was deliberate on Anakin's part, but she doesn't think so. They've been spending more time together after Anakin's revelations of a few days ago, as well as her ensuing conversation with Vader, and Anakin had seemed distracted earlier when they spoke. Something must have come up, or he would be here.

She still doesn't know how to feel about the revelations that Anakin made to her, of his actions in the past. It seems so... surreal that he could have done something of that nature. She thought she knew him, but maybe she didn't. Maybe that was a good thing. In the past, she would not have understood. Now... Now, with the galaxy being in the state it is, Ahsoka feels a lot more confident in trying to understand, in trying to be more open-minded instead of falling back on her teachings.

What Anakin did was horrible, but he regrets it. He can't change it, so he can only move on. And she will have to do the same. She is doing the same. No matter the unexpectedness of it, Anakin is still the same person who raised and trained her since she became a Padawan. It changes nothing, and in time, Ahsoka knows she will fully accept it.

And then, there's the issue with Vader. Ahsoka is still very conflicted about him. Certainly, he's not nearly as... Sithly as she had thought he would be, but his darkness is unmistakable. He is trying to help the galaxy. She could feel his conviction, his determination. It's strange, because it goes against everything she thought she knew, but then again, a lot of things have been shaking her worldview recently. All she can do is keep moving forwards.

"You know how to meditate, right?" Ahsoka questions, pushing thoughts of Anakin and Vader from her mind She needs to focus on Omega.

"Yes," she confirms, "I can feel the Force, but it's hard to actually... use it."

This is... not something Ahsoka has never dealt with before. At the Temple, initiates learn to use the Force when they're very young, but Omega must be eleven now. "We'll work on it, but don't expect it to happen immediately," Ahsoka tells her. "It might take more than one lesson for you to get it."

Omega nods, understanding. "Okay."

And so, the lesson begins.


The surroundings are dark, almost black, and no matter how much he looks around, Vader doesn't recognize them. Towering pillars of rock dot the landscape, and a prickling feeling of foreboding crawls down his spine, the Dark Side hissing inaudible warnings in his ears. His respirator cycles rhythmically, and he reaches out with his senses, trying to ascertain from where the danger is coming. There's a flicker, off to one side, and he turns to see Anakin slowly rounding a jagged projection of rock, expression wary and uncertain.

"Something is wrong."

Vader doesn't know who said it – it could have been either of them – but they both feel it. In this moment, they both feel as though they are one. It is... strange, the connection between them, as it links them so strongly that they can see through one another's eyes.

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