VIII - My head is full of uncertainty at this point

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Ok, sentimental assessment. There's this boy. And the way he laughs makes me smile, and the way he talks gives me butterflies, and everything about him makes me happy. Am I in love?

Theodor and I joined the rest of the group. Carolynn was now telling everybody about her last trip to Dubai.

'And then, daddy made me meet David Beckham. He's cute but definitely not enough for me' - she said. This girl annoys me so much. Theodor noticed.

'Forget her. She's not worth it.'

After eating, we decided to put up our tents, in which we were going to sleep. It took me a while to do it because neither I nor Charlotte had done it before. Aaron helped. An hour later, we were already inside them; our heads were out of the tents so we could talk to each other.

We talked for a while and then everybody went to sleep. I was tired but my head was full of thoughts and ideas. I couldn't sleep.

I've always had a lot of struggle with falling asleep. Since I was a child, I remember. Oh, insomnia, go away.

After a while, I decided to go outside for a walk. Another great memory I have is lying on my backyard's grass contemplating the night sky. I decided to do it.

I lay my head on my jacket and just stayed there for a while, watching the stars. Their magnificence, along with the moon's.

'It really is beautiful.' - Theodor lay next to me.

'It calms me down, you know?' He looked at me. 'Isn't it curious how they are so randomly placed there, but how they still create constellations?'

'There's beauty even in the simplest of things.' - He assured.

'Look how much they shine...' - I remarked.

'Almost as much as your eyes.' He looked at me and I blushed. 'We should probably go to sleep. In a few hours we'll have to get to the beach.' I agreed.

He helped me get up off the floor and followed me to my tent.

'Well, good night, Mandy.' - He kissed my forehead.

'Good night, Theodor.'


Both Amanda and Theodor slept wonderfully, although not for long. By 4am they were already up, packing their things.

According to their maps, they were three miles away from the beach, and they still had one stop to do, about half way there.

'Guys, we really need to hurry up if we want to get to the beach at dawn.' - Brianna said. She was now in command. The girls didn't trust the guys enough to let them guide the group.

They followed her through the dense forest. It had turned chilly and they could see the dew on the grounds and on the leaves.


It was about 50ºF. Amanda was shivering and I gave her my jacket.

'Here, I don't need it.' - I offered.

'Are you sure?'

'Take it, before I change my mind.' I smiled at her. Her hair was messy and she was still sleepy.

We kept walking. I had my arm over her shoulder. It felt good.

We walked for about one hour when Bri made us stop.

'It's somewhere around here, the next stop.' - She said, looking at the map. The forest was now getting less and less dense. I was at the back of the group with Amanda, when we heard Brianna scream.

'What is it, Bri?' - Aaron asked, worried.

'Come take a-a look.' - She said, open-jawed.

We hurried to get to the front. And I'm glad we did.

'Oh-my-God...' - Amanda said.


I couldn't believe what I was looking at. It looked like scenery from a film. It was beautiful.

'It is the most incredible waterfall I've ever seen in my life, Theodor.'

'Then you must have never gone to the Victoria Falls.' - Carolynn said rudely.

Everybody got closer.

'You know what I'm thinking guys?' - Aaron asked.

Then, like telepathy, everybody dropped their backpacks and jumped into the water. It was crystal clear as diamonds.

We decided to get to the top and then jump off the cliff. Theodor held my hand and then we both jumped. We dived into the fresh water. He kept holding my hand. It was the best moment of my life.

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