i love my boyfriend - briffin

432 5 4


genre: fluff

tws; none

briffin kiss + very short


ITS A 'PERFECTLY' thursday night at the showalters home alone with, griffin. they decided to watch IT again for the hundredth time. while griffin was huddled up against billy, well looks like billy was thinking of other things.

'should i confess?' 'should i just go for it?' he thought, it was really a big deal for billy because he WAAS planning this for a while now, he liked griffin for almost 3 years. its hell for keeping your feelings in for so long. "hey uh, griffin?" what the fuck is he doing. a soft 'hm' comes out of his mouth. oh god hes gonna regret this so bad. "bill? you okay?" after the sentence billy smashed their lips together that even took griffin by surprise.

i guess you could say, the hells finally over for billiam showalter.


i really hope you liked this chapter:))

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