you drew stars, around my scars.

430 6 32


genre; small angst, fluff

tws; sh scars, past abuse.



3rd POV

AS FINN THOUGHT old memories from his old house, he was sitting down on his bed while scratching at his scars. he took his partners hoodie off awhile ago because he was to hot in it. he was wearing his shirt, his pants, his everything right now, he got to a certain memory he didn't want to remember..

"where were you?" the drunken man asked while taking another sip. "at a friends, why?" finney said while taking his shoes off and putting his bag down next to his shoes as he heard a slight sigh from his father, "and you didnt even bother to ASK ME?!" the man says while slapping finney, "i - im sorry i d - didnt know, a - and you were s - sleeping a - and i didnt wanna w - wake  you u - up..!" finney stuttered out while on the verge of tears, "i dont wanna hear excuses boy," he says while rasing the belt and striking the spot he targeted, "STOP PLEASE IM SORRY!!" "SHUT UP BOY" they were really having a screaming contest, all you hesr is screaming, a belt striking, and sobs and crying. "PLEASE STOP IM SORRY!" "IM SORRY IM SORRY IM SORRY-"

thats when finn felt blood tickling down in arm and right when he was gonna get a papertowel, he walked in, "hey mi amor im ba- HOLY SHIT FINN ARE YOU OKAY?!" he said while putting whatever he had down. "y - yeah! im okay!" he said while looking at his lover, who was cleaning and puting a plaster on his arm. "it doesnt look like it." finn started to panic, his lover started to examine for any more scabs, and blood, then he went to his left arm. "finn," "yes?" he said looking up at him. "why did you do this..?" his partner said in a sad tone, "nothing you need to know, robin. theyre old." he uttered out. "hm," he muttered out, "can i have a pen?" robin said whike looking at his lover, "hm? oh yeah sure," he said turning around to get a pen, then handinf it to robin. "thanks mi vida," "no problem." he said while watching him closely as he took the cap off and started drawings stars around the scars. "robin.." finn said in a loving tone, "yeah?" robin uttered out, " thank you. " he said while hugging robin. " no hay problema princesa."

" you drew stars, around my scars, "

i did something a little new and im so sorry for not postinf fir a lil while and schools out in like 2 days so yeah😻

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