sunsetz -brance

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hello!! heres a short chapter and finally, A BRANCE CHAPTER❤❤

genre: fluff

tws: none

brance confessing and kissing☺


3rd person

ITS AFTER SCHOOL, on a friday afternoon in the yamada house, as usual. bruce and vance are watching grease, "hey uh, vance?" bruce asks, vance looks at him with his head tilted a little bit as he stares at the ravenhead. "yeah? what is it?" the curly blond asks, now you may be wondering, 'what is he gonna tell him?' its nothing bad. lets figure it out togethet shall we? "i jst uhm.. oh god, how can i explain.." bruce rambles on, vance has a look on telling him to continue this sudden conversation as vance pauses the movie to listen. "look i really, REALLY like you for SO long, and i just, thought this- these feelings, were just a coincidence and i just brushed them off.." vances face by now is blushing hard, "i.. i like you to bruce.. no scratch that, i LOVE you!!" "w - wait really?!" bruce says, with joy and tears filling his vision. "YES REALLY!" vance shouts as he kisses bruce unexpected, bruce lets out a shocked gasp and kisses vsnce back. bruces lips taste like cherry chapstick on vances chapped ones.

the kiss is nothing rough, its sweet. everything sweet. its perfect. eventually they kiss for about 30 seconds until they need to pull away for air. "so vance, will you be my boyfriend?" bruce says, hoping for a yes. "is that even a question? YES!!" once vance said that, bruce jumped on him and hugged him.

THAT, was a start to a beautiful, beautiful relationship.



hope you like this!! im working on more chapters and requests are always opened!!!!


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