☆ mamas boy(s) ; brother bonding.

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helloooo, sorry i havent been posting.


AS VANCE WALKED through the door to the small classroom students started to whisper. saying things like, "what is someone like HIM doing in here?" and, "vance hopper going to class? thats weird. who gave him anger management pills?" vance heard one of the whispers and ignored it and sat down. his little brother, told him he should "have control of his anger and the things that cause the emotion." the bell rang for the kids to go home, all the kids in the small classroom including him, walk out into the busy hallway.  he walked out the doors to the gate and the front of the school to see his little brother waiting for him. thats weird, he's usually the one to wait for him. "Hey stringbean, why you out here?" he said, while *almost* taking his backpack off of his shoulder. "Dunno, just wanted to wait for you for once." he smiled, and tugged his arm to walk with him. Vance slightly laughed at the sudden movement with his little brother. They continued walking until a trio started staring at the both of them. the younger help onto the older's wrist and walked faster while staying completely silent. "What's wrong string-bean? Are you okay, are you feeling okay?" he whispered as he put his hand on his forehead before it got swatted away. "Im- im fine. They just caught me off guard," he replied in a soft but low voice for just him and the older to hear. "You sure? 'cause if they give you any trouble just let me know 'kay?" "mhm, ill let you know." after the small talk they smiled and continued to walk home.

✧─── ・ 。゚★: *.✦ .* :★. ───✧

VANCE HEARED MUFFLED noises coming out from his little brothers bedroom, it was 2:30 in the morning. 'What could he possibly be doing at this time so early?' he thought, He got out of bed as he stretched and yawned before walked to his brothers door. He pressed his knuckles to the door and knocked softly and quietly. but loud enough for him to hear. "Finn, you okay? Am i allowed to come in?" No response. He heard a bit of shuffling before the door unlocked and he opened it. "Hey, you doin' alright?" he asked, no response. He heard more sniffles. "Finney, please tell me whats going on. I care about you, i wanna know what's going on so i can help." he walked closer to his little brothers bed and crouched down while playing with his curls, "These- uhm, kids.. have been saying stuff to me." he heard him say, he was interested, he wanted to know more about these, kids. "What have they been saying to you?" vance exclaimed. "I- i don't really wanna say.." his little brother squeaked out, tears running down his face while he's trying to wipe them away, but it doesn't work. "I've, also been feeling.. weird, and out of place.." Vance's eyes softened, but also with worry. "Why have you been feeing this, string-bean?" he said as he sat beside his little brother and started stroking his hair to make him calm down a little bit. "U- uhm.. it's just.. with everything going on so fast and since a week or two ago since, him. Everyone's just been treating me more differently and i hate it! i don't know why everybody's treating me like i cant handle things on my own." he exclaims while putting his face in his hands starting to cry again. Vance puts his arms around his little brother while thinking of what to say. "A-and-" "Shh, its okay. its okay. im here. he's gone, he's no-where near you. you're safe." he strokes his hair while comforting his little brother. he hates seeing his little brother like this, he just wants him to forget about that man, he just wants a better future for his brother.

"hey, can i come in? i heard crying."

"who the hell..?"

ok so maybe a cliffhanger bc i might make another part for this chapter but i really js wnated to post something. so please, enjoy this chapter if u want, my mental health is really bad.

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