just take my wallet - rinney

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okay another chapterr😋


happy ending

TWS: none😈😈

13-16 year old here💪

listening to kubz scouts & thinkin bout a special someone rn🤗😽


finneys pov/ no one's pov:

I WOKE UP, in a cold sweat, breathing heavily. " holy- holy shit .. it's not real finney, it was just a dream.. " i said. sitting up, and ignoring the pain in my lower back. i'm lucky i take morning showers. i looked at my alarm clock, 5:30AM it said, i get out of bed with the feeling of my feet hitting the cold floor. i get clothes to change into and step into the bathroom looking in the mirror. my arms have bruises, i still have a red mark on my cheek from yesterday. i put my face in my hands. i sigh while starting the shower and starting to strip. i get in the burning hot shower and start to clean my hair and my body.


WHILE WALKING TO SCHOOL, i see robin standing at the school gate waiting for me as always. " hey robin." "hey finn! is everything ok? you look exhausted.." he says, with worry in his eyes. "i'm fine i swear." "can we just get to class now?" i say, clearly annoyed and exhausted. "uh yeah.. sure.."  robin says confused with finneys random burst of his attitude. they walk to their homeroom and sit down while listening to Mr. Ajack. finney zoned out, like usual. Robin looked over at finn, 'is finn okay? is he not telling me something? did something happen with his dad or - or his sister?'  robin thinks. robins worried, he wants to protect finney. he dosent want him to get hurt, but he also needs to stand up for himself on of these days. robin turned back to Mr. Ajack when he heard something about being with a partner. finney and robin immediately looks at eachother and got to work with the project they were working on.


IT IS NOW LUNCH in Denver high, the cafeteria filled with children talking, and with finney getting chased by the one and only.. buzz, matty, and matt. the classic trio to go after finney. "come back here you little shit ! " matty says, he's angry alright.. finney kept running and running until he found a bathroom. he ran into the empty dirty bathroom and hid into a stall, "your not foolin' anyone f*ggot!"  "cmon out finneey~!" 'god i have no goddamn choice do i?' finney thought, "hey finney! where's your boyfriend huh? not here today?" finney doesn't say anything, he just stands there. " hey, how about we give you a beating that your little BOYFRIEND haves us huh?" he chuckles. "what are you doing? say something you wimp!"  he says, it's normal to hear and see ghosts for finney, they always pop up once and awhile. the door opens, it's robin! "dipshits, move." they move out of the way, obviously scared, "you little shits don't know when to keep off do you?" robin throws a punch,  "GAAH! WHAT THE FUCK?!" matty screams, buzz tries to get robin from behind him (dude i suck ass at making fighting scenes but i really want to make ONE atleast ONE fight scene so let's skip this to when robby's done😡😨😔😭)

"hey finn, listen to me okay?" robin says, trying to comfort finney as best as he can "no! h-he was screaming and crying! he was begging you to stop robin!!" finney says, crying- no, sobbing. "finn he was HURTING you! i couldn't just stand there and watch! you know i can't stand you getting hurt!"  "STOP ROBIN JUST STOP!" robins eyes widen, mouth wide open. speechless. he stands there for a sign to finney to continue. "Y-YOUR OUT OF CONTROL ROBIN! YOURE GETTING INTO MORE FIGHTS, YOURE CONTROLLING, AND YOU BEAT ANYBODY WHO EVEN GETS CLOSE TO ME!" finney says sobbing. all of his anger, sadness, takes control of his body and he's yelling and screaming at his best friend. HIS best friend. "finney i'm just trying to protect you!" "NO ROBIN, YOUR NOT TRYING TO 'PROTECT ME,' YOUR BEING JEALOUS!!" robins anger is starting to rise plus he nevers calls finney. "finn look i—"   "NO ROBIN! look, i love you okay? i always have! but i never wanted it to be like this! this is getting out of control!" "finn i love you to, so much. so please, let me fix all of this!"  "no." "what?"  he's never been told no like this. robin starts to get furious with finney. but, he won't let it out on him. anybody but him. "i said no, robin. i have you to many chances to fix all of this. i don't want to see your face ever again robin. your to toxic. i love you robin i really do, but i just can't handle this. this is just to much robin.." his voice cracks, shakes and it lowers. finney walks away out of the bathroom and out of this school. he doesn't care if he gets in trouble by his dad. he doesn't care if he gets suspended. he doesn't care if he gets grounded. he doesn't care if he loses his one and only bestfriend. wait.. he does care. or does he?



this chapter was requested by; youmama269!!!

this chapter better be my best one yet and also thank you guys sosososososososo much for reading this awkward story i made!! i almost forgot bout this story until a memory popped up💀
AAANNNNYYYWWWAAAAYYYSSS!!!! requests are allowed!

bye bye my lil gays😸

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