I woke up and noticed I was on a ship. Not the batches but someone else's. I noticed I was in the cell.

I noticed a droid ws looking at us "if you're thinking I'll let you out of her think again. And if you're think on contacting your friend it has been confiscated and place in a secure compartment. I advise you to cooperate mr bane does not respond well to prisoners who are difficult.

I looked to see someone climbing down it was the bounty Hunter I never met him but heard many thing about him.

"How are my assets doing?" He asked.

"My name is y/n who are you?"

"Cad bane you better hang tight it's gonna be a bumpy ride" Cade bane said walking away.

Later on I tried to make a plan on how to get out of here as omega sits infont of me.

I looked at the droid who was holding his leg. Which gave me an idea fix the droid but actually shut it down so we could find our comms to escape. Once we did I grabbed a gun an left the ship to an abbaned place on a planet.

I ran from the ship as fast as we could to get away as we head inside the building and tried to contact the guys.

"Anyone there?" I asked on the comms "come in,"

"Y/n do you copy?" Hunter said on the comme.

"Hunter?" I said in relief and happiness "we got away but you you have to hurry."

"Where are you?"

"I don't know".

"We need a relay on your position" I heard tech say "try to create a power surge can you find a panel nearby?"

We stoped running and saw a surge "there's one by the door" I said looking at the surge "looks like the ones in topics city"

"That's good first see if you can activate it"

I started pressing buttons on it as the door "it worked"

"Next you will need to reroute the circuits to overload the main grid"

"By hood or by crook..." we turned to see cad bane walking to us in the mist "you're coming with me" he takes my and breaks it.

I pointed my gun at him. To shoot as we heard a gun shot as we saw a kaminoan lying on the ground.

"Tuan we?" I said in shock "she need help."

"Non you can give" bane said.

"He's right" a female voice said as she revealed herself.

"Fennic shand" cad bane tilts his hat.

"Hello bane" she said.

"You got no business messin with my score."

"You of all people know it's all about the price besides they were my score first. The y/nand I go way back don't we?"

I went somewhere full of tanks "They wont get her on time" i turned to see fennic taking off her helmet "the only person you can rely on is yourselves"

"Why did you kill Tuan we?" I asked.

"Part of the job you should thank me" what their prim minister has planned for you is why I'm her"

I pointed my gun at her "why does he want me for?"

"You already know the answer" said fennic " I'm trying to help you"

We tried to find a way down but luckily for us there's flight pod I turned
.I got in the pod and i started flying. then the engines stopped working on the pod "Uh-oh" and started to fall While the ship falling i felt something catch us the door open and I pointed my gun ready to shoot.

Then a familiar head pops up "y/n you in here?"

"Wrecker?!" I said climbing  up.

Wrecker hugs me "good to have you both back."

He lets go of then I hug hunter who was bandaged up.m. "Are you okay, are you hurt?" He looks super at me.

I sniff "why is this happening?" She asked "why are the kaminoans after me?"

"Hunter your should tell them" echo said.

"Tell mewhat?" I asked in confusion.

Hunter stood up and looks down at me whil putting his hand on my shoulder "you're bvaluable to them. More than all the other clones. Even more than us. You're different." Hunter explained.

"Different?" I asked "how?!"

Later on I woke up and decided to go to the cockpit where hunter there sit while watching the view of the stars.

A sat beside him as he noticed me "can't sleep?" He asked.

I shook my head "I keep thinking about the kaminoans and seeing that place I don't want either of us to end up an experiment in a tube."

"That's not gonna happen" hunter said to me.

"If  i are as valuable as you say. Lama su will keep sending bounty Hunter after me."

"He can send everyone in the galaxy. You have us" he said.

I slumped back on the Chair with a frown on my face "you can't fight them all."

Hunter turns my chair and crouched down. "Y/n, you don't have to worry. You are never going back to kamino"


"I promise"

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