The walls collapsed but some of us survived I coughed and helped omega.

Then looked at a different direction "Rex" I helped rex up.

"Thanks" he said getting up "We need to get moving before their reinforcements get here."

"Is there another way off this spire?"
Asked hunter.

"There's always another way" Rex chuckle as he opens a hatch and we get inside it and kept moving. So we could survive and get out of here.

"Stop" Crosshair said as he looks out a window "they're coming" then someone's shooting at Crosshair "T'll handle it"

"Be careful" I said.

Then we continue on running to find another way out. And head to a ship and we head off.

Out of nowhere we were shot down and crash landed. We got out coughing and groaning.

Batcher comes up to me and nuzzles on me and Crosshair stands beside me
"you good?" He asked.

"Uh-huh" I answered.

"Got your blaster?"


"Sure you can carry those supplies?"

"Yes" I said looking at him.

He puts his hand on my shoulder "stay close. It's easy to get lost in this terrain"

I rolled my eyes "you're as bad as hunter"

"Oh you know I'm much worse"

I smirked "of course you are"

"Echo should meet us at the extraction point. We'll have to continue on foot" Rex said "five clicks north"

The we see shuttles coming as we head out right away. And batcher was just sniffing her way. When the shuttles found us but we handled them by throwing smoke bombs.

"Stay by my side and stay down"
Crosshair said as we all followed.

And we easily took them down as well as the ship.

Then we continued walking. Then the shooter found us and started shooting
at us.

"I'll draw his fire get to the rondevous"
I heard crosshair say on the comm.

"I don't like that idea" I said on the comm.

"Too bad"

I chucked "that's my crosshair" then we started moving and noticed crosshair is still fighting the guy. But we got crosshair in time.

And we continued on running and waited for echo. And a punch of soilders came.

Apparently there was a clone who was a friend of rex and red tried to convince him and the clone let us go. As echo comes with his ship.

What a crazy time.

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