I was in my cell when the door opens I walked to the table where the kids are.
And I sat down with a girl holding a Lula doll I made.

"Hello" I spoke "I'm y/n."

"I'm Eva" the girl said.

I smiled "what's that" I pointed at what she's playing"

"A game. They want us to play them"

Then I see some games and I took some out and looked at Eva "I like your doll"

"Dr Kate gave it to me she's the only nice one"

I looked up to see the scientists "are they always watching?"

"Yeah the droids too" the other kids come out three of them. Well one of them is a baby.

"That's jax, Sami and Bayern" Eva introduced her friends. "This is Phoenix" she introduced us.

"How long have you all been here?" I asked.

"They don't like it when we talk to each other so much" Sami said.

"And if you cause problems, things only get worse." Jax said. Then the kids started sitting down.

I know I have to get not just me and the clones but the kids too.

Later on emerie comes in to take some samples and I wonder about the kids.

"Those kids. Where did they come from?" I asked.

"I don't know" she said "but they are well looked after here"

"T'd like to believe you" She takes my blood and puts it somewhere whiles she's distracted I take something before she leaves. And I get up and walked up to the kids. I looked up to see the scientists are distracted "how often do the droids take out vitals?"

"Twice a day after meals" Eva said.

"What about the troopers? Do they ever come in here?"

"Only when we cause trouble" jax said.
"Jax tried to escape once, but he didn't get very far." Eva said.

"There's no way outta here. We're never going home."

"Want to know a secret" I asked them
"I escaped from this mountain before."
The kids sound excited "I had training and I wasn't alone. Know what else?
I'm doing it again and I'm taking you all with me." I showed them the layout of the vault "This is where we're sitting
right now. These are the walls. These are the tubes in the walls the droids use
to transport our samples. I need to get inside and see where they go"

"Only the droids can access those hatches" jax said

"I can get them open" I showed them something I'm hiding but not for the scientists to see "I just need them not to see me"

"Won't take them long to notice you're missing."

I smirked "That's okay. I like a challenge"
Later a droid came in and I went to my and did something to the wall to the sample room. And on time I did what I needed to do when doctor scalded came in to check on me before leaving then I looked to the kids and told them I have found our way out.

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