I was working on gonky it turned to see hunter doing some skill with his knife I smiled as we heard a beep "were being hailed" echo said "it's rex"

We all walked up to the holo and rex was revealed.

"Hello fellas sorry to cut right to it but I could use your help"

"What do you need rex?" Hunter asked.

"I received distress signal from a clone trooper but I'm a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him"

"You want us to recover a reg?" Hunter asked.

"He's an old friend and he's in trouble" rex said "I need you to get him out"

"Out of what exactly?".

We heard a beep from rex in the holoscan "can't talk right now. Sending you his signal. I'll be in touch" rex hangs up.

"What was that all about?" Asked wrecker.

"The distress signal sent by CC-5576 is originating from daro" tech said "a tresstrial planet in the outer rim with no known settlements or installations"

"What's he doing all the way out there?" Hunter asked.

"Does it matter?" Echo asked. I could understand he's worried. "Rex wouldn't ask us for help if it wasn't urgent"

"Echos got a point" wrecker said.

"Rex's friend is in trouble." I said "that's more important than getting paid."
We landed ons the planet. We all got off and looked around.

"The signal is coming from that direction" tech said.

I saw hunter pick up the stick and sniffed it "we're already too late the clone was being hunted he was dragged that way." We all followed him as he stopped later and picked up some fir "there's something here inside the mountain."

"I believe you are right" tech said my scans are being jammed"

"You said there's nothing on this planet" said wrecker.

"That data appears inaccurate."

"Wrecker, you and y/n wait on the ship," hunteordered.

"Wait," isaid "why can't—"

"Coming here was a debate. This isn't" he said before.

Later wrecker and I waited on the ship I was getting impatient while wrecker was relaxed.

"How can you be so relaxed?" I asked.

"I'm preparing. I'm charging up before I charge in." He said.

"We should've heard from them by now what if something went wrong" I asked in worry.

"I'm sure they got everything under control"

Then the contacted us saying they got the package. We got them in except for hunter who fell as he told us to leave I asked them not to leave him but we did.

I sat down crying as echo sits down beside me "don't worry we'll be back for him"

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