I was just sitting in a cell thinking about the guys how much they missed me. I'm also thinking about tech. I can't believe he's gone. Everyday I think about him the most. I do love him and miss him. And I'm not so sure of what my fate is.

I heard the door open to reveal a woman who is apparently my sister which I don't know how.

"Good morning y/n." She greets "how are you feeling today?"

"Like a prisoner." I said. "I want to leave."

"Prisoner? Y/n you are no such thing. It will take time to adjust but you will acclimate it is far safer in here than out there come we have much to do"Then I followed her on where's she was taking me. On the way I see a bunch of clones walking by and Crosshair was one of them but he didn't look at me. The girl sat me down "I need to take a blood sample from you"

"Why?" I asked.

"The samples are used for various research projects all of us serve a purpose here it won't hurt"

"Can you at least tell me where the the others are?"

"I do not know" she answered knowing who I was talking about then she takes my blood.

I started to wonder how she is my sister. "If you're my sister how come I never saw you on kamino?"

"Because I was sent elsewhere until dr. Hemlock took me under his wing. He saw potential in me, like nala se sees in you."

"I never knew I had a sister it's nice to not be alone"

She takes my blood and puts it in the box "head to the lab nala se is expecting these"

I picked up the box and started walking to the lab to see nala se doing work. I walked up to her.

"Thank you y/n" she takes the stuff and started sampling I could see she looked shocked "y/n, your sample was taken?"

I nod "yes, enemie said it was routine" then she takes my sample and throws it out "why are you disgarding it?"

"Tel no one" she said "it is safer this way" then she continued working.

"This research it's not like what you did on kamino is it?"

"No it is not"

"I don't understand why did they bring me here?"

"To ensure that I cooperate the empire seeks the reproduction of genetic M-count but the experiments on the specimens have yet to yeild the desired result."

"You mean the clones?" I asked

"No. Not the clones"

Then I heard the door open to see hemlock coming in "how nice to see you reunited with your trusted assistants mother. I'm sure phoenixes presence here will only strengthen your efforts shall we head to the vault?" He looked to nala se.

Nala se looks at me "see to your remaining tasks" before walking away.

Then later I started working to see hounds eating and I fed some of them. Then I walked close to see one hound I know.

"Hi batcher" I said as the hound growls "still won't eat food huh? I don't blame you. Here have some of min?" I put my food on the ground and she eats it "better? I'll bring you more tomorrow" Then I walked out and walked in the hallway to see clones in a cell. Then I walked to crosshairs. I know he made mistakes in the past that doesn't mean I hate him. "Crosshair" i wispered so nobody would hear me "I tried to come earlier but there were too many gaurds watching me.

I heard crosshairs sigh "you shouldn't be down here at all"

"How else are we gonna plan an escape?"

"There is no we" he said. He sits up "and there is no escape I've already tried."

"Every stronghold has a weak point maybe I could convince emerie to help shes one of us"

"Not every clone is your ally" Crosshair said. "You trust too easily"

"Maybe you don't trust enough" I said then I noticed his hand was shaking "Crosshair?"

"Just.. go, before you make things worse for both of us" he said.

I turned them looked back at him "there has to be a way out of here, I'll find it." Then I started leaving him. And I head back to my cell.

As days even months pass by as I continue the day as usual walking to help out and they take my sample and nala se throws it out. And feeding batcher then I noticed batcher was wounded. I tried to get a droid to help but it does nothing so I fixed her wounds myself.

Then I headed to Crosshairs cell and talked to him more "I dressed batchers wounds as best as I could at least she didn't bite me. That's progress right?" Crosshair didn't answer "if she doesn't get better soon...maybe I could steal a med kit from the lab and see if there's anything I can use"

"Stop" he said in frustration. "What is your primary objective?"

"Escape" I answered.

"Then stop waisting time on lost causes. Forget the hound, forget me and complete the mission"

"Not without you" i said.

"If I get the chance to escape I wouldn't think twice about leaving you behind."

I shook my head "You're lying. You wouldn't do that"

"I'm not them" he growled.

"I'm not giving up crosshair. I won't let you either" then I started to get up and leave.

"Y/n" I heard crosshair call my name as I stopped and turned to him and he puts his hand on the cell "don't risk anything for me.I belong in here"

"None of us belong in here" then I turned and leave to my cell. I looked out the window.In the morning my cell opens and clones came in and emeries stands at the door "what's going on?"

"Surprise inspection standard procedure" she said then it was clear "come we have work to do."

Then later I got batcher to leave after I destroyed a droid she looks at me if I was coming with her "I can't go with you yet I have to get crosshair first no go batcher" then she leaves.

"Breaking the rules I see" I turned to see hemlock and emerie "releasing a weak lurch hound into the wild?" Hemlock asked. "I didn't know you were so cruel Phoenix"

"Me?" I asked "You were gonna terminate her."

"And you believe your actions change that outcome? Now some rotations ago? One of our last shuttles crashed just beyond this mountain but that is not what killed the no it was the creatures that roam the jungle Even our strongest lurca hounds struggle against what's beyond these walls.And your domestication of LH-201
only made her vulnerable."

He's trying to scare me "you don't know she wont survive she deserves a chance" I looked to emerie who looked confused.

"Oh the flawed logic of an idealistic person. Emotion and sentiment have no place within these walls you would to remember that"

"Or what?" I asked him.

"Doctor" emerie spoke "perhaps I should return y/n to their room"

Hemlock spook "you have more to say?"

"I know you brought me here to make nala se cooperate. You need her" I said. "She won't work for you if you hurt me."

Hemlock laughs "of course I'm not gonna hurt you y/n Your friend in the detention block, lowever, may not be as fortunate."

My eyes widened knowing who he's talking about "don't hurt crosshair he didn't do anything"

"I did have plans for CT-9904, despite his resistance to reeducation,but l am willing to make a few sacrifices if your misbehavior continues." He leans closer to my face "actions always have consequences sometimes not in the ways we imagine" he looks at hemlock "take her back to her room and restrict her access"

Then later I head back to my cell and started crying then I heard the doors open behind me "go away" i said.


I didn't look at her but just shocked me "please just...go" then I heard her leave.

But one thing matters.

I have to get out of here.

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