Meeting Land People and Zombies

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The council gave us legs by using their moon rings. Veridia warned me to only use my moon ring when I truly needed too. Walking was weird, having legs was weird and so are these things other my body, that are called clothes. At first we wobbled but then we got the hang of it. We were walking through the land people's town.

"We find the boy and get out of here" Amaris said as we walked through part of the town called Zombietown, that's when she walked away from us and went ahead.

"Who put her in charge?" Nerissa said looking at me. I just shrugged my shoulders. "How does their pod fit in those boxes?" she asked

"There is multiple of them. And their called houses" I say, making her roll her eyes at me.

She walked faster to catch up with Amaris, so did I. "My feet hurt and so does other parts of my body I didn't know I could have" Amaris said

"No wonder land people are so grumpy, their in pain" I say. We continue walking but we stop in our tracks when a small little fur thing stood in front of us.

"What is that?" Amaris asked as we came closer together. All three of us were scared, I have been close to land before and I have never seen this before.

"I don't know but don't look at it in the eyes" Nerissa said hiding her face on my shoulder

"Why not?" I asked

"Just don't" she said. That's when it made a sound and Nerissa and Amaris took off running. I turn to run in the opposite direction, just me to run right into someone. I looked up to see the it was the boy from the beach and one of the girls was with him.

"Are you okay?" she asked me

"There was this little white fur thing and it made this weird loud sound" I said

"You mean that dog, over there" she said pointing behind me, I looked to see it right there, making me scream and hide behind the boy "Is it here to kill me?" I asked

"Kill you?" They asked in sync

"It's a dog. It's not going to hurt you" the boy said. He step forward and said 'go' making the dog take off. They both looked at me and smiled

"I'm Zed and this is Elisa. Are you new here? I have never seen you here before in Seabrook" he asked.

"Umm... yeah. I'm Ondina and those two are my friends Nerissa and Amaris" I say as both of them start running towards me.

"It's nice to meet you three but we got to go" Elisa said but Nerissa stop them

"Where are you going?" she asked

"School. Seabrook High" Zed and that's when I got the idea

"So are we but we don't know where it is" I lied

"Oh, we can show you three the way. If you want?" Elisa said

"We would want very much" Amaris said. After that we started to head for the school. Zed was going on about what was happening and that a lot of people in town are freaking out about how Addison heard howling the other day. As we reached the school I was amazed by this site

"Wow" I whispered. Zed turned around to look at us.

"Welcome to Seabrook High" he said and that's when he made this weird face "Where are your books?" he asked

"Ah, books. Good" Nerissa said and grab my hand as we made our way through the school. Zed rushed right over to us to catch up.

"You look like you might be into cheer" he said pointing at me "My girlfriend Addison is on the team, I'm about to go and talk to her. Why don't you three come with me" he said and walked off with us following him.

"Remember the mission" Amaris said and then walked up right next to Zed. I leaned in closer to Nerissa

"What is cheer?" I whispered to her

"I don't know" she said as we where now standing in front of two girls both in pink outfits, one with pure white long hair.

"Addison, these are Ondina, Nerissa, and Amaris. Their new here, today is their first day" Zed said. Addison gave us a huge bright smile

"It's so nice to meet you guys. I'm Addison and this is Bree. Are three going to try out for cheer?" she asked. I looked down at her hand to see her wearing the ring

"What is cheer?" I asked still looking at the ring.

"I'll show you after school. You can join practice" she said. I gave her a nod and then she turned back to Zed "I really thought we'd all be at the Prawn together" she said 'Prawn is a food. I love it'

"I thought Seabrook could change" she add 'Change'

"Change? What do you mean?" I asked

"It's because last year the school decided to let Zombies come to school like Zed here" Bree said

"Ah" Nerissa said

"Don't worry. Your not in any danger" Zed said giving us a smile. I looked to see Amaris was gone. I nudge Nerissa arm to show her. She rolled her and told me to stay here and that she will go find her. "But back to your statement Addison. It did change and I'll find a way for all of us to go to Prawn together" he said

"Or we could miss it together" she said grabbing a hold of his hand

"I'm not letting you miss the Prawn." Zed said

"If you can't go, I'm not going" she said. Bree moved next to me

"Aren't they perfect couple" she said to me

"Couple? Yes, perfect" I say, still not talking my eyes of the ring. We found one, we just got to find the other one.

"Well, I like you too much not to let you go." he said

"Well, I like you too much to leave you behind. I am so not going." she said

"This is a weird fight" I say making them look at me with smiles

"They even fight like a perfect couple" Elisa said, making me laugh. I like it here so far, everyone is so nice!

"I should go and find my friends" I say and left. It felt like hours looking for them. I walked through halls to see no one here, that was until I was a group of land people with white stuff in their hair. They were looking around and whispering. I walked right up to them with a smile on face.

"Hello" I say smiling at them. I looked a little over to my right to see a boy, he was looking right at me smiling, I felt cheeks turn red 'He's Cute!' I thought to myself "I like your hair" I add I went to touch it but a girl hit my hand and made a weird sound

"Willa!" The boy said

"This human needs to stay out of our way" she said

"And I thought land people were nice" I say holding my hand. They walked away from me but the boy stay behind

"Are you okay? I'm sorry about my sister. I'm Wyatt" he said smiling

"Ondina and I'm okay" I say but before we could say anything else I heard people screaming. He grab my hand as we ran into another room. That's when I saw Nerissa.

"Nerissa" I shouted running over to her as she pulled me into a hug

"Where the hell have you been?" Amaris asked me

"Looking for you two" I say

"Well why you were off wondering around, we found out that the principle of this school is just like us and she wants to talk" Amaris said

"Oh, no" I say

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