Let's Dance

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I grab blankets and handed them out with the help of Willa and Wyatt. Everyone was sick and getting worse...they were dying and my moon ring could all due so much. I just found my pack and my mate and I was going to lose and their was nothing I could do and that broke my heart. As I was giving a cup of tea to one of the wolves, I looked up to see Zed walking towards us and I wasn't the only person that noticed him.

"They were wrong to destroy Seabrook power, and I was wrong about werewolves. You have every right to fight for who you are even mermaids." Zed said

"Yeah, but what are we now, Zombie?" Wyatt said and I could tell he was angry with Zed's present. I put my hand in his and gave his hand a squeeze to clam him a little.

"You're fierce, proud werewolves." Zed said

"Yeah, they think we're monsters" Willa said

"They think I'm one to but also a merfreak. I don't even know how they found out I was also a mermaid but they everyone knows, I'm just glad they haven't found out about Nixie" I say

"I'm sorry, Buck found out and he was they one that told everyone but listen we are monsters." Zed said with a smile, making the rest of us smile. He told us about his plan about crashing the dance and we were all in.


As we walked up the door of the school, we came face to face with Buck and his little gang.

"You guys can't be here. There are laws against this" he said

"Bad laws are meant to be broken." I say

"And monsters don't follow the rules. Zombies are apart of Seabrook Buck. And we deserve to be here."

"And we're apart of Seabrook too" I say

"The originals, in fact." Wyatt said. Buck looked behind him and saw the Z-alarm and then turned back to us and smiled

"Well someone's got to stop you" he said and then turned around to go and pull it but Willa stop it by showing him her eyes and fangs, letting out a little roar. "Welcome to Prawn" he said scared and then walked right inside. Once we all walked inside, there was lights and music playing and they was dec all around. Wyatt held his hand out for me, making me look at him.

"Can I have this dance?" he asked

"I don't know how to dance" I say making him smile

"I can't either but we can learn together" he said. I placed my hand in his and we walked on to the dance floor as he wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close to him as the music played. Everything seemed to be perfect in this moment and I wanted this to last forever. Before the song finished the ground and everything around us started to shake, everywhere started to run and scream. Wyatt grab my hand and we followed Addison and Zed out into the hallway just for the ground to start to crack open, purple light shined through.

"The energy from the moonstone must've created the fault line. If we follow this crack, it may lead us to the moonstone" Zed said as we all looked at the hole in the ground.

"It's only buried and not destroyed" I say smiling at Wyatt, knowing he was going to be okay, that all of the pack was going to be okay. The ground shook once more and I grab onto Wyatt to hold my balance as he did the same with me.

"We have to get to it" Wynter said

"Quickly" I say

While we still can" Willa said finishing my sentence. Willa and Wynter hop down into the hole and so did I with the help of Wyatt while the rest followed behind us. As we followed down the path, the light got even brighter telling us that we were getting closer and closer to the moonstone. There were wires everywhere and sparks flying around us. We kept going until we enter a room right under Seabrook Power, just to see the moonstone for are every eyes.

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