I Got It

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It was now a new day and I could not wait to get to school and learn new things. Mermaid school is kind of boring now, I can already name all types of fish and their sounds and name all different types of seaweed and coral. Nerissa and Amaris came over and we ate raw prawns for breakfast, after that we were off to school or at least I was. Nerissa and Amaris went into Zombietown to look for Zoey, as for I, I would have to try and get the other one from Addison. I thought about it and I was thinking I could get it from her during cheer practice. Nixie (Lee) and I made it to school an hour before school started, she gave me a full tour and showed me how to use my locker and we had to go over a few rules. After going over everything, bell rang, telling everyone it was time for classes to start. As I was getting my books from my locker, I saw the werewolf's at the end of the hall. Aunt Nixie told me everything on them last night, I was thinking of reading about them later during study hall.

"These sheep just let us in! Bad idea" It was that girl Willa. Wyatt saw me looking towards them and from what I saw he decided to say something "Willa, we agreed to play nice" He says, giving me a warm smile.

"This is me being nice" She replied to him then started to scratch down the lockers, scaring more people as they walked by. The whole type me and Wyatt kept eye contact making me blush, both of us smiling at one another until Willa nudge his shoulder, getting him to stop as she glared at me. I saw a water fountain near her and that gave me the idea. She looked a little hot so I thought I would cool her off. I used my powers making water spray out and onto her, after a few more seconds I stop. She looked around, when she saw me I sent her smirk and walked away to my first class. After 3 hours, it was now time for study hall. I went to the library. As I was walking down the isle, I saw someone standing there with a book upside down.

"Are you learning how to read upside down?" I asked. They pulled the book away from the face just for me to see it was Wyatt. When he saw me, he gave me a huge smile, showing off his fangs.

"Hi" he said in a soft tone

"Hi" I say, smiling back at him. His cheeks turn red just like mine. "What were you doing?" I asked

"I'm on look out" he said

"Why?" I asked

"It's a secret. I would tell you but I have orders not too. How did you do that thing this morning?" he asked

"What thing?"

"You did something to that water fountain" he said

"I don't know what you are talking about" I lied and walked away to go sit next to Addison and Bree. The whole time I felt his eyes on me as I walked away. I looked down at Addison's hand to see her wearing the moonstone ring. I was just about to use my powers and take it off her until Bree's voice threw me off.

"That dog just ate my homework" Bree said. Pointing to the wolf that was next to her, she sent us a smile small. That's when books were slammed on the desk.

"Lies" Willa said "These history books clam werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers, but they struck first and stole our moonstone" she add. Moonstone? Just like our moonstone rings?

"I'm sorry, that happened. I thought land people were suppose to be nice" I say. She looked at me and tilted her head, she open her mouth to say something but Addison got to it first.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that" Addison said

"There's a lot you don't know." Willa said and took the books and started to leave the library.

"I know that alarm's going to go off if you don't check out those books." Addison shouted at her. Willa just ignored her and continued walking, she threw her necklace at the security scanners which I learned from Nixie. The scanners started to spark and then they were out. I looked shocked at this site but amazed.

"Our necklaces have a way with electronics" Wyatt whispered in my ear, smiling at me, sending shivers down my spine. Then he walked off but he turned back around and said "Bye Ondina" making me blush.

"I think someone has a crush" Bree said. Crush?

"Crush?" I asked

"It's when you like like someone and then later on it can turn into love" Addison said, she looked down and saw my ring and her eyes widen

"You like Wyatt" Bree said

"Maybe" I say blushing, making the three of us giggle. Addison stop and gasp with she saw my hand

"Your ring is just like mine" she said showing me hers.

"It is" I say

"Where did you get yours? Zed gave me this" She said

"Shopping. Aunt Nixie got it for me" I lied

"Oh, um..okay" she said. I got up and grab my things, I can try and get it now.

"Anyways I've got to go. I'll see you two at practice. Oh My God what is that?" I said pointing out the window. Once they both looked I used my powers and slip her ring off her finger, bring it to my hand.

"What are we looking at?" Bree asked

"I thought I saw an animal." I say as both of them looked at me weirdly "Bye" I say and ran out all the way to Nixie's office. I opened the door to see her doing work.

"Ondina, you should be in study hall right now" she said. I opened my hand to show her the ring.

"I got it" I say. "Hopefully, she doesn't come looking for it" I add

"Knowing Addison, she might. But you did it." She said.

"I have to go and give this to the council but I'll be back I promise" I say leaving my stuff in her office. I left the school and started running towards the beach. As I reached, I jump right in as my legs turned into my tail and with that I was off.

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