Nixie's Grotto

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After cheer practice and my night swim, I went straight to Nixie house, I walked in to see her in the kitchen making dinner. Still holding onto Wyatt's necklace. 

"How was practice?" she asked

"It was good. I learned something today. My mother came to land and Veridia said you were the one that convince her to come here" I say as I sat down. She put down her spoon and turned to look at me as she let out a sigh.

"Yes. Ondina I knew who you were when I first met you. You look so much like her." she said

"What happened when she was here?" I asked

"Your mother and I grew up together. We were best friends, I asked her to come and visit the land just for a few days. One of those days she went for a walk and when she came back, she had this new light and then days later she said she was in love but didn't say who with until months later when I met him. His name was Noah. Something was different about him and I asked her about it and she said I wouldn't fully understand, so I let it go. Your mother ended up getting pregnant with you and then something bad happened, he died. Your mother said she could no longer be here because it hurt way to much so she left. That was the last I ever saw of her."  she said, she had tears starting to form in her eyes, as for me, I already had tears down my face.

"What was she like?" I asked whipping away the tears

"Brave, sweet, strong head. You are just like her." she said "There's something I want to show you." she said as we walked out of the kitchen and went over to a bookcase. She pulled one of the books, just to show a door to open behind them. We walked down some steps just to be shown a mermaid cove.

"Wow" I muttered under my breath. Nixie went over and pulled something out and then handed it to me. It was two people, a man and a women, who looked like me.

"This is your mother and your father Noah." she said, I just stared at them amazed that I finally get to see what she looked like and not only that but my father too. As I looked at them I noticed something around my father's neck. It looked like a stone, like the one the wolf's wear. Was my father a werewolf? "Over here is a water entrance, so you can go swimming anytime you want" she add pointing to another room "I can teach you here. Do you mermaid school here" she said. 

"Mermaid school? Over my dead scaly tail. I have to do mermaid school and land school!?!?!?!?!?!" I said 

"Yes, you still have things to learn when it comes to your powers. Mastering them is a big thing for a mermaid" she said. I let out a sigh 

"Fine" I say making her laugh. 

"Go head and look around, dinner will be ready soon." and that's when she left.

'If my father was a werewolf, wouldn't that make me one as well?' I thought to myself.


It was now the next day and the end of school. After I changed, I rushed right into the gym, just to see practice hasn't started yet and that Addison wasn't there yet, I was about to make myself way over to Bree, when someone called my name. I turned around to see Wyatt smiling at me, he was sitting with some other pack members.

"Hi" I say walking over to them, I noticed his necklace was on his neck again. This morning before school, I put it in his locker and yes, I know he is going to be asking himself questions. 

"Hi" he said "Ondina, this is my friend Wynter" He add and Wynter looked at me and smirked

"So, this is girl you never shut up about" she said

"Wynter!" he shouted, his cheeks turn bright red and gave me a shy smile

"He talks about you all time, ever seen he first saw you" she said and then she looked down at my ring and gasp "I love you ring. It's so pretty" she add

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