Principle Lee

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I found out that group of people, that boy. They were werewolf's. Right now we were in a room waiting for the Principle to come and talk to us. She entered the room and went and sat down.

"I'm principle Lee and I would like to know why you three are here in my school or on land. Who are you and what pod are you from?" she asked us

"I'm Ondina and were from the Mako pod" I say. She nod her head as she was prosing this information.

"Why are you here?" she asked

"The boy Zed, a couple of days ago he was with a little girl who found two moon rings, he took one of them. The council sent us to come and get them, if we don't return with them than we will be outcast" Amaris said

"The council? Veridia sent you?" she asked

"Yes. You know her?" Nerissa asked

"Her and I use to be friends until I came here. I have 4 bedrooms in my house, I use one of them, the other 3 is guest bedrooms. You are welcome to them while you are here. I will go out and get you some more clothes. And if anyone ask about you, just tell them that your my nieces which will make me your aunt. I will put you three in the school system to have you in rolled" she said and then she started to type in her computer and then pulled our paper and handed it to us. "This has your classes, locker number, and etc... you guys should head on. Lunch is about to start" she add

"Thank you. Thank you so much!" I say

"You're welcome. Now, off you go the lunch bell will be ringing soon" she said. I watched Nerissa and Ameris walk out of the room but I stayed behind.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you leave your pod?" I asked her

"I fell in love" she said. I sat back down, intrigued by her words.

"With a land boy" I say

"Yes, he knew what I was and I loved him. I was suppose to marry him" she said as she pulled something out and handed it to me. It was a picture of her and a man, she was in her mermaid form.

"You said your were supposed to. You didn't marry him?" I asked. She looked down and shook her head and then looked back up at me.

"No, he died before I could. I fell in love with him but not just him, I fell in love with the land as well. So I decided to stay and I went to school, got a job, and here I am" she said.

"I'm so sorry he died" I say

"Thank you Ondina. I'm going to let you in on a little secret. There are mermaids out there that are meant to be on land to but there are other ones that aren't." She said

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked

"Ondina, I have only known you for 10 minutes now. I saw you in the gym and I saw you early in front of the school. You are already in love with this place and I can see it in your eyes." she said. I looked down and then I looked back up and smiled at her, I let out a breath before I started to talk.

"Everyday since I was a little, I would come near the shore but far enough so I wouldn't be seen. I would watch land people all the time and I would wish one day I could here and see it from their eyes. Now, I'm here. I was already in love with place before I got my legs." I say

"You are welcome to stay. When you get the moon rings back you don't have to go back to the pod. You can stay with me. I think you would really like living here and I think you might like cheer. You seem like you would" she said

"Thank you. I met a girl name Addison and she said something about cheer, that I should come check out practice" I say

"You should got for it." She said and that's when a loud ringing came. Making me look around in a panic.

"No, No, Ondina it's okay. It's just the school bell. It's time for lunch" she said. I got up from my seat and opened the door, I thanked her once again and said that she would see me after cheer and wished me luck.

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