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We had a clear view of Seabrook. We looked and saw Seabrook Power lights flicker like crazy. Then the whole building started to shake, making the whole town as well.

"Yeah, The explosion came from Seabrook power." Zed says

"They must be testing charges for the demolition tomorrow." I said. Nixie told me everything about it.

"Seabrook power is the birthplace of zombies" Elisa says. They were created in that building?

"Little lime soda with some mysterious energy and bang!" Zed says "Zombies" He says that last part closer to Wynter. She snarls at him showing her fangs, making him jump. 'Mysterious energy? Like magic?

"Nice story, but it doesn't concern us." Willa said. I felt a hand slide down my forearm into my hand. I look down to see Wyatt's hand in mine. Making me look up and just to see him smiling at me already.

"I believe it does concern you, Willa. That power and energy. Zed said that Seabrook power was fueled by mysterious energy source. That has to be your moonstone, right" I asked

"She found the moonstone" Wyatt said to Willa "She's amazing" He add looking at me.

"Ondina found it" Wynter said but I knew they still believed that Addison was their great Alpha. Because of her air. I looked up in the night sky to see the full moon has full risen. Shit! The celebration.

"I have to go" I say letting go of Waytt hand and taking off. I could hear Wynter and Wyatt chasing me.

"ONDINA WAIT!" I heard Wyatt yell but I didn't stop. Celebrating the full moon is a mermaid tradition. I can't believe I'm missing it. I reached the beach ready to jump in the water but a hand grab mine, pulling me away from the water but it was to late, water had touched my foot. I looked back to see Wyatt and Wynter, I thought maybe they had stop following me. Wyatt picked me up in bridal style.

"We still have a lot to talk about" Wynter said when she said my legs disappeared and my tail appeared. Shocking them both.

"I understand that but tonight is a full moon. Us mermaids celebrate and right now I'm missing it. I'm choosing to leave my pod so I can stay on land. That's hard for a mermaid. This is my last celebration with them." I say but Wyatt still didn't let go of me. I looked at him with pleading eyes, to let me go. I could see my words made them sad.

"I'm sorry Ondina. We didn't know." he asked as he walked towards the water

"I'll come back right after it is over, you have my word. We can talk then" I say.

"Come back to the den" He said. The water was now up to his waist, I looked over his shoulder to see Wynter smiling at us. I gave her a smile and then looked back at Wyatt. I gave him a kiss on the cheek and right after that he let me go.


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I swan back to shore after seeing everyone from the pod. Nerissa gave me a hug, she wouldn't let go until Amaris had to pull her arms off of me. I dried off and started making my way back to the den, as promised. As I entered I could feel eyes on me, I walked up to one of the wolves. I smiled at her and she smiled back.

"I'm looking for Wyatt" I say

"He's in his room. Come on I'll show you" she said. "I'm Wendy" she add

"Ondina" I say

"Oh I know" she said as we reached a door. "This is it. It was nice meeting you Ondina"

"You as well" I say as she walked off. Before I could even knock on the door, it sung open.

"You came?!?!" he said but it sounded more like a question

"I promised you I would" I say entering his room as he closed the door behind me. "When we were at the beach, it felt like you wanted to tell me something. Something important." I add

"Yeah, I do. It has nothing to do with the Great Alpha which we will get to that point later. Have you ever heard of a mate?" he asked. I shook my head no at him "That's okay. It's a wolf thing, it's like a soulmate, they are one together-" he was saying but I cut him off

"Do you mean love?" I asked

"It is" he said

"Why are you telling me this?" I asked him

"It's because you Ondina are my mate. When your eyes met mine, you had me, I'm yours forever." he said. Mate? forever? "This doesn't mean you have to be with me or anything" be with him? like boyfriend and girlfriend, just like Zed and Addison and Bree and Bonze. "Ondina please say something" he add

"Um...I do have feelings for, it's just didn't expect you know" I say meeting his eyes

"To be with a werewolf" he said looking down

"No!" I say, he looked back up at me, meeting my eyes again. "For years I have watched land people, I was fascinated by them and especially them falling in love and I have always wanted that. I just didn't think it would ever happen to me. But then I saw you and I started to get these feelings I never had before. Addison and Bree said it's called crush. I guess what I am saying is that I like you Wyatt, I have from the start." I say. He smiled at me and grab a hold of my hand.

"Awoo!" he howled in a soft low tone making me giggle. Before anyone of us could say anything else or do anything else, Wynter came busting into the room.

"WYNTER!" Wyatt yelled

"Now, that you've told her. It's my turn to share news" she whined as she came to sit down next to me. She had a photo in her hand, it was the same photo back at Nixie's "This is-" she began to say but I cut her off

"That's my mother and that's Noah" I say, Wynter smiled at my answer and so did Wyatt

"This is my uncle Noah. My father's brother" she said.

"Does this make us family?" I asked

"Yes, it means were cousins and so there is a good and huge chance that you are a werewolf, I know you are." she says

"But I don't have the white hair like Addison" I say

"I think if you put on the moonstone necklace. It will turn you hair" Wyatt said

"But you thought it was Addison" I say. He shook his head

"Not anymore. I think it's you but right now Addison has the moonstone until tomorrow. Will you be willing to try?" he asked

"If it will help you guys. Then yes" I say. Wyatt pulled me a hug, just for me to be taken out of his arms and into Wytner's

"Hey" Wyatt shouted making me laugh

"She's my cousin" Wynter said

"She's my mate" Wyatt said. Wynter let go of me putting her hand in the air as she surrendered

"You win" she said leaving the room. Making me laugh.

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