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I swam all morning at first light hoping to say goodbye to Nerissa before the pod left but she was already gone and so was everyone else. But I still smiled, the dolphins were very chatted this morning and the sharks were up having fun.

I sawm into the moonpool just to find a note in a bottle

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I sawm into the moonpool just to find a note in a bottle. I looked to see that Nerissa had left me something.


I'm sorry that we don't get a chance to say goodbye. I was very sad when you told me you were leaving the pod but I understood why, I even understood why even more when I over heard you and Veridia talking about your mother. Now, I know what your saying right now, eavesdropping is not good or nice at all. The council knows I am writing this to you but I was demeaned not to tell you where the pod is heading, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that we didn't get a chance to say goodbye but I will say that I'm happy our last memory was us smiling underneath the full moon with the rest of the pod. I'll miss you so much and maybe one day we'll see each other again.

Love, Nerissa

After reading her note I couldn't help but cry. Nerissa was like a sister to me and knew how much being on land meant and she let me go. I put the note back in the bottle and sawm back to the gotto, school was starting soon and I couldn't be late and I was meeting up with Wyatt at the front of the school. When Wyatt came to my mind, my tears stop and I had a smile on my face again. As I got back I ran into Nixie and she told me to hurry or I'll be late. As I walked towards the school, I saw Wyatt leaning against the wall.

"Hi" I say when I approached him

"Hi. How was your swim?" he asked, taking my hand as we walked inside the school together.

"It was nice. I chatted with some dolphins and saw two sharks race each other" I say

"Sharks race?" he asked looking shocked at my words

"Oh yeah, they can be very playful. Whales are big show offs and they love to gossip, they never stop" I say as I turned to look at him to already him staring at me "What?" I asked

"Nothing. I just love hearing you talk" he said making me smile. "Which reminds me of something. You were the one who brought back my moonstone necklace." he said.

"Yeah, that night I had been swimming by and saw it all. I know how important it is to you" I say

"Thank you! It means a lot" he said. I kissed his cheek making him blush as well

"You missed" he said. I gave him a confused look.

"Missed? What?" I asked as I leaned against the lockers as he stood in front of me. His eyes looking into mine then down at my lips then back up to mine. Ah, I get it now. He starts to lean in but stops, I nodded at him, telling him to continue. When his lips touched mine it felt like fireworks, it felt right. They fit together perfectly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he placed his on my hips pulling me closer to him, deepening the kiss. We would have continued but some cleared their throat next to us. We pulled away to see Willa and Wynter and a few other pack members standing there.

"Did you enjoy the show?" Wyatt asked sarcastically. Wynter laughed as for Willa she rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Come on kisser wolf, we have work to do" Willa said walking off with the rest following behind her

"Bye cuz" Wynter said

"Bye" I say waving at her. I looked back at Wyatt just to see he was already looking at me

"I've got to go" he said

"Is there anything I can do to help?" I asked but he just shook his head.

"Not at the moment. We are going to try and go after the moonstone" he said, he was about to leave but I held his hand pulling him back

"I think you are forgetting, I'm a mermaid. I do have powers, I can help." I say

"I know. I have a feeling something will go down and when it does, come and find me but for now stay here at the school where it's safe. Promise me" he said.

"I promise" I say

"Thank you!" he said and gave me a peck on the lips and took off. I smiled and shook my head. After spending 10 minutes at my locker, I saw Addison walking pass me, crying.

"Addison, are you okay?" I asked her, making her stop in her tracks. She looked at me and shook her head no.

"Noo, I lost the moonstone necklace and the wolves are mad at me for it. I don't understand, I had it this morning and I had it when I walked in the school but now It's gone. I have no idea where it could be" she said "I let them down. I let everyone down. Don't tell them but I have this strong feeling that it's you Ondina. Your the Great Alpha." she add. Last night Addison was a little bit more confident last night about her being a wolf. Guess she had more time to think. First Wynter, then Wyatt and now Addison, thinks so. Maybe I am but only one way to tell is with the moonstone necklace. We got to find it!

"It's okay Addison. Will find it. We'll just retrace your steps." I say, a smile appears on her face due to my words. She gave me a hug and then pulled away.

"Thank you Ondina!" she said and we were off looking.

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