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Everyone ran out of the building, feeling great that we put a stop to the demo. Wyatt and I walked out hand in hand, with Willa, Wynter, Addison, Zed, Bree by are side.

"We did it!" I say smiling

"We stop the demo!" Addison cheered, but out of all of us Zed was cheering and instead of a smile, he had a frown on his face. "What's wrong?" Addison asked. Making all of us stop in our tracks, giving him are full attention.

"Addison. I'm gonna lose the election, which means I can't take you to Prawn." he said

'Seriously, why is everyone talking about Prawn. It's a food nothing more. I need to ask them about it' I thought to myself.

"That's okay, Zed. We cannot go to the Prawn together" Addison said. I leaned over to Wyatt and asked him what Prawn was and he said it was a dance.

"What's a dance?" I whispered back

"It's where people dance and listen to music" he said. Still don't know what that means but I guess I'll find out later. Zed looked at me and the wolfs with a sad look on his face. That's when he pulled something out and handed it over to Addison, making her gasp.

"HE FOUND IT!" Addison yelled towards us. Zed found the necklace. Making us cheer once more, as Addison pulled him into a hug saying 'Thank you' but he still did look happy.

"I took it" he said "I stole it when you weren't looking." he add. I step forward and walked up next to Addison, I could see her eyes start to water.

"I thought I lost it." she said

"Her and I looked everywhere for it and you had it along." I say

"I questioned myself" she said

"Ondina, Addison, I'm sorry" he says "But Addison I was afraid that if you turned into a wolf, I'd lose you." he add but Addison just shook her head at him.

"You don't get to make that choice for me!" Addison said

"But a werewolf?" he questioned

"If you would have talked me I would have told you that I believe the great alpha was Ondina. I was going to give it to the wolf's to give to her. Why would I ever go to the Prawn with you after what you did?" she said and took the necklace out of his hands and looked down at it than back at me.

"Just try and see Addison. It won't hurt to try, right" I say

"Right" she said giving me a sad smile. She put the necklace on but nothing happened.

"I'm not am I?" she asked me and Bree.

"You're beautiful, Addie." I say

"But the same beautiful that you've always been." Bree said. Addison took off the necklace and handed it to me, placing it in my hand. Once it touched me, it glowed a pretty blue. I looked up at Addison and she gave me resurging smile and so did Bree. I looked back at the wolves and saw Wynter giving me a thumbs up while Wyatt was giving me a smile, a one telling me 'it's okay' I nodded my head and took in a deep breath, I put the necklace on and started to feel this warm feeling in my chest and it carried on to my hands. Next thing I saw was claws appearing on me.

 Next thing I saw was claws appearing on me

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