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I made it back to where the pod was just to see Amaris and Nerissa already there, handing over the other moon ring.

"Ondina, did you bring the other ring?" Veridia asked, I nodded my head and handed it over to her. "It's good to see you three didn't fail but Ondina I need to have a word with you. Everyone leave us" she add. Everyone swam off, Nerissa looked at me and gave me a sad smile and then swam off with the rest. "I was informed by Amaris and Nerissa about your time on land. Is there anything you would like to say." she said

"I don't want to leave the pod but I would like to live on land. Before you told us to go, I was already curious about the land and even though I have only been there for two days, I'm already in love with it." I say. She signed and shook her head

"You are just like your mother. She went and lived on land but then something happened and that made her return and she had you." she said. My mother?

"My mother went to land. Does Nixie know about this?" I asked

"Nixie? Nixie Lee was the one that convince your mother to come a visit on land. How do you know about Nixie?" she asked

"She the principle of the school and she has let me stay with her" I say

"Ondina, are you or are you not wanting to leave?" she asked. I knew what my answer was, I have known for a long time. Even though I'm knew to it, I loved it and I wanted to spend more time there. See my friends, do cheer and see Wyatt more.

"Yes" I say

"Then you are free to go but once you leave we will be gone. After the full moon is over, you can come to the full moon celebration since it will be your last" she said.

"I understand." I say. I was just about to swim off but I needed to ask her. "Before I go, what happened to my mother, while she was on land?" I asked

"Truly I do not know. She wouldn't speak of it but I believe Nixie would know. What I can tell you is that she said something about love but that was all." she said. I gave her a nod and swam away back to shore. And went off to practice.

Wyatt's Pov...

School had ended and I haven't seen Ondina since the library. I couldn't get her out of my mind. Her beautiful blue eyes that looked like the ocean and her beautiful hair and her smile, her tan body. When I first saw her smile, I was hooked and I think my sister and Wynter knew it. Ever since I saw Ondina, Wynter has been teasing me about her while Willa has been scolding me and saying I shouldn't get mixed up with a human, but Ondina is my mate and I couldn't help it. But if I'm being honest there was something different about Ondina. At the moment we were all in Zombietown, as Willa was going off about how the Seabrook books are no help.

"None of these history books say where the moonstone is hidden." Willa said

"Once we get Addison, she can show us the way. She's the great alpha." I said

"I don't think she is" Wynter said "We were told that the great alpha is only half wolf the other half mermaid" she add. Some of the wolf's behind me chuckled even Willa.

"Wynter, mermaids aren't real" I say

"I think they are. Do you remember my father would talk about his brother Noah. Noah died before we were born but he told my father that he was in love and she so happened to be a mermaid. It is also said that great alpha will have this type of power to bring us a charge, that we didn't have to get from our moonstone" she said

"Wynter, we don't know if that is true. And even if it was where is this mermaid that Noah was in love with?" Willa said

"I don't know but there is a picture of them. She actually looks really familiar. I have someone in mind but I'm not fully sure...yet" she said. 'Who could she be thinking of?' I asked myself. Before any of us could say anything else, three zombies came our way.

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