XVIII. Confusion

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A long time?

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A long time?

What does he mean? Does he remember the past? Does he remember us? I can't face him, I'm afraid... I'm really afraid. I was zoning out while I was laying on the floor of my bedroom. I can hear my phone ringing, it has been ringing nonstop

"Lalisa..." the screen showed the caller ID. "She never gives up, uh?" I threw my phone away and took a deep breath "I don't know what to do"
"Jisoo, can you open the door?" I heard someone calling my name at the other side of the door
'Ah, of course, Yoongi has been knocking on my door every day' "Leave me alone" I screamed while covering my face with a pillow
"You know what, I'm sick of you" Yoongi screamed back "You have been absent for three days in a row, I know that it's not a big deal to us but everyone it's getting concerned"
"I don't care" I replied to him 'I'm not ready to see him again'
"Okay, that's it" Yoongi said as he easily broke the door of my room
"What the hell is your problem?" I asked him angrily
"What's my problem? What is YOUR problem?" He replied coming closer to me "Your friends are worried about you, the teachers are asking about you, and no one knows your whereabouts"
"It's none of your business" I said as I lay on my bed closing my eyes "Now, get out"
"Are you for real?" I can feel the rage in his voice and suddenly he leaped on top of me, my eyes were wide open since his action took me by surprise "You haven't drunk blood for days, you're going to become weak if you still keep starving yourself"

I can feel his breath on my face, his hands holding my arms. His voice is softer and his gaze reflects his concerns. He's not here just because my friends are worried about me, he's here because he is worried too.
"Yoongi..." I tried to reply to him but a voice interrupted me
"Who broke the door?" Joseph asked from outside
Yoongi looked at me one more time and stood up "Sorry, I did it" he said walking towards Joseph "I'll buy a new one, don't worry"
"That's not the point, young man" Joseph replied
"Joseph" I called his name
"My lady?"
"Can you please bring me a glass of..."
"Of course, my lady" Joseph rushed to the kitchen, I couldn't even finish my sentence. It's not the first time I isolate myself, it's like my defense mechanism, Joseph has always respected that, on the other hand, his son...
"You better buy a new door asap" I said glaring at Yoongi
"I will, as long you get up and go to college tomorrow" he continued
"Mint and cigarette" I said looking straight into his eyes
"What are you talking about?" He asked me confused
"Your breath, smells like mint and cigarette" I saw how immediately his ears turned red
"Shut up" he hissed back and left my room

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

"Why should I go this early?" I groaned
"What do you mean? Your first class it's early morning" Yoongi said to me
"Joseph I regret it, I'm going to sleep" I said while walking to my room
"Don't you dare" Yoongi replied grabbing my arm "You're going to college today" he told me in a serious tone "And you don't even need to sleep" he concluded
"Joseph! Say something!" I demanded looking for his help
"My lady I think you should face your fears" he replied to me with a smile
"Her fears? She's just going to class" Yoongi told him

My fears? Of course, he knows how I feel. He knows me better than anyone. And I think he's right, I know he's right. I need to face him, even if I'm wrong , I want to know the truth. I can't hide forever.

"Okay, I'm leaving" I said hugging Joseph and smiling at him
"You're nuts" Yoongi replied as he followed my steps

"I'm here. I can do it, I just need to..."
"KIM JISOO!" a familiar voice screamed my name
"Lis—" It was Lisa, she hugged me so tight that we almost fell on the floor "Lalisa I can't breath" I said to her patting her head
"I was so worried about you" she said sobbing "Why aren't you answering your phone? I had to tell the teachers that you were sick"
"I'm sorry, okay? I had to travel because of an emergency so I wasn't able to answer your calls"
"Really?" She said with glossy eyes
"Yes! I'm sorry I'm gonna make it up for you"
"Hey Jisoo, you're alive" Jimin said coming closer to us
"Glad to see you too, Jimin"
"We should go inside or Mrs. Choi will be mad" he added
"Mad?" I asked
"Well... without you...we were late... every day" Lisa told me
"You two are unbelievable" I said as we walked to the classroom

≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫

Mrs. Choi told me she wants to talk to me after class, so here I am. She asked me about my health and how I was feeling, nothing important. At this moment all I can think about it's that he didn't come today and for some reason I feel sad.

"Lisa, I'm going home" I texted her after finishing my conversation with Mrs. Choi. I don't want her to worry again.

I started to walk before going home and suddenly I heard a familiar melody.
Without knowing I walked in front of the music room. The melody echoes the walls and I swear I recognize that song... no, I know that song.

It's the song I tried to teach him.

As a reflection, I opened the door and went inside. To my surprise, he was there sitting in front of the piano, playing the song effortlessly.

"It's impossible" I murmured. All the courage I had vanished. My legs went weak and I fell to my knees.

I wanted to ask him if he remembers me, if he remembers the palace, the gardens, the smell of the roses. If he remembers us...

But I can't... I'm a coward. I can't face the truth... I can't....

"Jisoo, are you okay?" He said coming closer
"Don't... just don't" I said to him with a shaky voice "tell me... do you remember everything?" I asked him looking directly into his eyes
"I don't know what are you talking about" he replied "Just let me help you"

He grabbed me by the shoulders and helped me to stand on my feet.

"I was worried about you, I haven't seen you since our date" he talked to me while caressing my hair "Please don't disappear like that again"
"Our date..." I unconsciously touched my lips. Taehyung noticed my gesture and smiled.
"Kim Jisoo..." he said
"May I kiss you?" He asked me coming closer

It wasn't necessary to say a word, I only nodded. He pulled me to him and kissed me deeply but at the same time softly. It feels like he wants to stay like this forever.

Then he put his forehead against mine.

"Jisoo..." he said holding my hands "it's unfair"
"Unfair?" I asked him confuse
"This time you decided to open your heart"
"I don't understand..."
"I don't understand either..." he said letting go of my hands "Why you didn't accept my feelings last time, Lady Jisoo?"

And just like that...

My heart sank.

A/N: hi there! I'm back n

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A/N: hi there! I'm back n.n I was amazed to see that some of you still reading my story so, I promise you that I'm going to finish it~

Thank you so much for all your support! 🤍

btw, just a kind reminder that this is pure fiction with fictional characters :) take care!

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