12: Awake

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Mattheo had been in his coma for a week now and I really missed him. He didn't deserve this and Theodore would not get away with it. They will have a round two and Mattheo would win.

My thoughts were interrupted by Professor Snape slamming a book on my table. "Miss Sanders, quit the day dreaming in my class." He said in his monotone voice that always had the weirdest stopping points.

"Sorry Professor I just have a lot on my mind right now." I shot Alayna a look. She shot one back.

"Very well. Think about it after my class." I nodded and sat there the rest of the lesson wishing I could go see Mattheo again. I had a free period next so I would go see him then.

I glanced at the clock. 12 minutes until class was over. This was going to be the longest 12 minutes of my life.

I grabbed my quill and started pretending to write notes when I was really writing a note to Alayna. She sat 2 seats to the right and 3 back.

We always passed notes but never in Snape's class. I was feeling bold so why the fuck not? Thankfully Theodore wasn't in that class.

Hey Layna I'm really fucking bored and I need to kill time. I know this is hella risky but I was wondering if you want to go visit Theo with me after class. We have 10 minutes now so just let me know. By the way, you have a bunch of flyaway hairs on top of your head <3


I rolled up the paper and slipped it to the Gryffindor girl behind me. I think her name was Amber or something. She helped us pass notes in other classes so she knew what to do.

She reached out and Alayna grabbed it. I pretended to pay attention until the girl tapped me and handed me a note back.

I checked the clock. 6 more minutes. Alayna was a hella slow writer.

KK, yes let's go after class. I really hate Snape's class right now. We learned this last year why do we need to learn it again? Anyways thanks for letting me know. Your tag is sticking out in the back of your robe by the way. Love you talk in a couple of minutes.


I smiled before tucking the tag into my robe. The clock read 3 more minutes. "Ok class you may pack up now." Snape said blankly.

I quickly packed up and walked to Alayna's desk. "Bitch hurry the fuck up! I want to go see Theo before Theodore finds me!!" I rushed her.

"I swear to god if Theodore touches you one more time I will out him. And yes, I did tell Draco and he agreed that we can't do that but I want to anyway." Alayna said through gritted teeth.

I had been pushing the incident with Theodore way down because I didn't want to admit that it really did happen. I had a problem with doing that.

The bell rang and I grabbed Alayna's hand and bolted toward the hospital wing. I ran through the doors out of breath and walked up the Theo's bed.

"Hey Theo! I really miss you. It's been a week now and even though he won't admit it I think even Draco misses you. I really want to talk to you when you wake up." I held his hand stroking it slowly. "Please come back to me." my eyes started to water and my voice was breaking. I really missed him.

Alayna gave me a side hug and we sat there for a couple minutes in silence until I felt something moving in my hand. It was Theo!

"Alayna!! His hand is moving!" I shrieked.

"Madame Pomfrey! Come over here!" Alayna called the old woman over and the monitor started to beep.

"Theo! Theo I'm here." I held his hand tighter and suddenly his eyes opened and looked into mine.

~Mattheo Riddle~ Will it Last?✔️Where stories live. Discover now