47: The Scepter and the Stone

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Serena laughed standing next to Adrian who looked good as new again. I am so excited to end them for good.

"The scepter." She repeated holding her hand out.

Theo looked back at us before picking up the scepter form the ground. He took a few steps then froze. He must he feeling the darkness.

"Theo?" I walked up to him. "Theo!"

I grabbed ahold of the scepter next to his hand and he snapped out of the darkness.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You were about to give the scepter to your mom?" I answered confused at what he was doing. I knew to trust his plans though because they usually always worked.

"The darkness is cancelled out when we both hold it so we both use it." He whispered.

"I'm getting impatient son." Serena yelled irritated.

Theo looked at me and nodded. We both knew what to do. We walked up to Adrian and Serena holding the scepter.

"I'll take it now kids." Serena reached for it but we pulled away.

"It could kill you." I warned. "The dark magic."

"She'll be fine." Adrian stepped up.

I felt Alayna and Draco step up behind us. Some other vampires had stepped up behind Serena and Adrian.

"If your so worried about mommy dearest then give it to me." Adrian offered. "Or are you worried about me too?"

"You wish." I rolled my eyes turning my attention back to Serena.

We all stood there in awkward silence for a minute or two. I knew what I had to do but I needed to make sure Theo would be alright.

We had to stab his mom. It could eliminate the entire vampire species including Adrian and the rest of them.

I looked back at Alayna and Draco. I mouthed, "On my signal, get rid of the four vampires behind them." They nodded and I turned back around.

"Is your meeting done? I want that scepter." Serena asked looking like she was about to loose her shit.

"Sure. Once we do one quick thing. Now!" I called pulling my wand out and firing spells at Serena. She easily deflected them though. Theo was firing at Adrian while Alayna and Draco staked the vampires.

It was pretty difficult fighting with only one arm despite only needing one arm to fight. Maybe it was because I couldn't move very well having to hold onto the scepter.

"We got them KK!" Alayna yelled running to cover Theo and I. Draco helped her while Theo and I made a plan.

"We need to sneak up on your mom and stab her." I said over the loud spells.

"Who said we had to sneak up? The scepter just has to penetrate her right?" He checked.

"Well yeah I guess." I agreed.

"So we throw it. Like jousting."

"That's going to be difficult."

"But it's possible right?"

"I mean I guess so." I admitted.

"Then we'll do that. Perfect." He nodded. "Draco! Alayna! Move!" He called to the blonde couple. They stepped out of the way and we threw the scepter into Serena's gut.

She wasn't expecting it at all and fell to the ground. Adrian started to look weaker but I was more focused on watching Serena die first.

We walked closer and just stared at her dying and begging for forgiveness. "What makes you think we would ever forgive y-" I paused mid-sentence.

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