43: The Scepter

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"Alright tie the boat and let's go steal some shit!" Draco called to Theo as he pulled the boat up to a small dock.

"You don't have to phrase it like that Draco." I rolled my eyes at the blonde boy while tying the boat with Theo.

"Youngest first!" I winked at Alayna and hopped off before her.

"Bitch!" She called after me.

There was a small building that looked deserted. I bet that's where the snowmobiles are.

We trudged over there though the thick snow and once we reached it, broke the door down and pulled out 4 of them. They were very old and dirty but Draco made sure that they had enough fuel to take up there and back. However far that is.

"Guys look!" Alayna pointed up at the sky. In the distance, there was a group of Arctic Terns flying towards us.

"Get on and get ready!" Theo yelled as we mounted our snowmobiles. The terns began to fly over us and we started our snow mobiles and followed them.

It was fairly flat ground with a few hills that were really fun to go over. It was like a jet ski only better.

We followed the birds for about thirty minutes when they suddenly stopped and landed on a bunch of rocks by the shore.

"Guys the entrance must be over there somewhere!" I got off and ran over to investigate the big, dark, snowy rocks. "Let's fan out and find it!" I began searching the rocks.

They were difficult to walk across and I almost rolled my ankle a few times through the thick boots I had to wear.

"Hey guys! Come check this out!" Theo yelled. He was right on the shore and we all went over to see an entrance. There were a couple old snowmobiles out front that looked like they were staked in the ground.

"Why are they staked in the ground?" I asked drawing their attention to it.

"I don't know. That's really weird." Draco agreed.

"No it's not. Look. The sand here is all wet which means the tide comes in here and floods the cave which means..." Alayna started.

"That's why everyone who comes here dies." Draco finished.

"Well how are we going to do this?" I asked. "The water will give us hypothermia if we get wet.

"I don't feel like getting trapped in a cave again." Theo added.

"Wait. What if we just cast a protection spell so the water can't get in. Then we wait til low tide and leave." Alayna offered.

"Wait that's actually really smart." Theo walked closer to the cave entrance. "You guys coming?"

"Yep!" I got up and headed over to him followed by Draco and Alayna.

We all stood in the entrance of the cave and put up and barrier spell to block any water that would come into the cave. We didn't know how deep it was, how far the water came in, or what is in here.

"Alright." I let out a sigh.

"Onwards and inwards." Draco said waking deeper into the cave.

"Do you know how wrong that sounded ferret boy?" I laughed illuminating my wand.

"I didn't think that through leave me alone!" He laughed as Theo followed illuminating his wand. Alayna and Draco did the same.

After a short two minute walk, we reached a big, circular room with stone ground. I could tell the water came all the way in here and would drown anyone who was in here too long.

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