35: Going Home

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The alarm went off at 8am. I reached over to turn it off but Draco's hand beat me too it. Theo was already awake and dressed.

"Morning." I mumbled as he came over to kiss me.

"Morning love." He came closer.

"Theo I have bad morning breath!" I covered my mouth.

"That hasn't stopped me before." He winked pulling my hands away from my mouth. He gave me a short kiss and pulled away. Draco and Alayna had gotten up and they were picking out clothes. I had no idea what I wanted to wear. It was a long flight after all.

I got a message and opened it to see a text from my mom.

Good morning hun! Your father will be at the airport to pick you guys up when the plane arrives. He can drop off your friends at their houses.

Thanks mum! Can't wait to see you guys again!!

"Guys my dad will pick us up from the airport and drop you all off at your houses." I explained to them.

"Alright cool!" Draco said going into the bathroom to change.

I got up and picked out a comfy outfit to wear. White sweat shorts and a short white shirt to match. When Draco was done, I went in and changed. I let Alayna change after me and then we did your makeup and brushed our teeth before heading out to get breakfast. It was 9am so we needed to eat and then get to the airport.

We grabbed some fancy waffles from this cool waffle place and they had so many fruit varieties to put on top. I just went with the classic blueberries and strawberries. Alayna got pineapple though and I stole a bite. That was the best fucking pineapple I've ever had.

We got back to the hotel and grabbed our bags making sure we left nothing behind. As I was zipping my trunk, there was a knock at the back door and Theo opened it to see an envelope sitting on the ground.

"Guys come here." He called us over shutting the door.

"Open it!" Draco said sitting down next to him.

Theo carefully opened the letter to see a picture inside of Embry covered in scratches, bites, and dirt. I covered my mouth in shock and backed away from the photo.

"Shit!" Alayna said turning away.

I felt my eyes tearing up and a huge wave of guilt hit me again. "We need to save her now. Let's go to one of our houses when we get back and figure this out." I said now feeling a tear drop from my eye.

"We can go to mine. My dad is still gone so we should be in the clear." Theo suggested.

"Alright. Kaitlyn you good?" Draco asked me finally noticing how upset the photo made me.

He pulled me into a hug and I tried to not cry but I couldn't help it. My makeup was going to have to be re-done when we got back.

"Love I know this is a bad time but if we don't want to miss our fight we need to go right now." Theo massaged my shoulders helping me relax.

I wiped my eyes and grabbed my bags. We all left and took a taxi to the airport where we hurried through security. Pretending to be a muggle was really hard but we had to fit in if we wanted to go on cool vacations like this.

I sat down on the plane next to Theo this time and I got the window seat again. We got settled and the plane took off.

"I'm already hungry." I complained only an hour into the flight.

~Mattheo Riddle~ Will it Last?✔️Where stories live. Discover now