50: Reaching Out

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"HARRY! HARRY!" I called as I ran to catch up to him.

"Kaitlyn!" He turned around hugging me tightly. "Did you do it?"

"Do what? Kill the vampires or give birth?" I rolled my eyes sarcastically.

"Kill the vampires. I knew that rumor wouldn't blow over well with you though."

"Yeah. We did." I smiled.

"Harry we're going to be late for- Kaitlyn? Oh my gosh!" Hermione walked around the corner with Ron and ran to give me a hug.

"Bloody hell Kaitlyn! You did it?" Ron asked embracing me when Hermione finished.

"Yep. But guys, I have to tell you something." I looked down, took a deep breath and began to explain everything.

They all stood there listening to my unorganized rambling about the whole situation. I kept going back to different details that I had forgotten to mention before.

"So you drink blood now?" Ron was the first to ask a question after I finished.

"Yep." I nodded.

"And that's not weird to you at all?" Harry asked.

"Oh no, it's hella weird but I've got to accept it. We all do."

"You, Alayna, Mattheo, and Draco all have fangs now?" Hermione confirmed.

"Yes. Pansy, Blaise, and Theodore were going to get some but they changed their minds. Thank god for that." I said still very much annoyed.

"Well we should probably get to class. It's starting..." Harry looked at a stop watch. "7 minutes ago. Bye Kaitlyn see you later!" He gave me a quick hug and the trio ran the opposite way to class.

I was in zero rush to get to class. "Miss Sanders?" I heard Snape's monotone voice behind me.

"Professor Snape!" I smiled turning around.

"Perhaps you would like to join your three other trouble making friends in my class for detention right now? You all have some explaining to do."

"Right. Of course Professor." I nodded and walked in front of him rolling my eyes as soon as he couldn't see my face.

We walked to his class and once we reached the door, it opened for me on its own. Alayna, Draco, and Theo were sitting in front of Snape's desk.

Snape walked in and took his seat. "Oh Kaitlyn! Sorry there was only three extra chairs. Guess your standing." Draco teased me.

"I see an extra spot." I smirked and walked over sitting down sideways on Theo's lap. I put my arms around his neck to steady myself.

"Works for me." He smirked at me.

"Alright." Snape interrupted our fun. "Where did the four of you go for a month and we know it wasn't maternity leave."

"Professor, we told Dumbledore all the details last night. He would be happy to tell you everything you need to know." Alayna answered.

"I will talk to him later but right now, I'm talking to your. Where...were...you...four?" He took unnecessary long pauses between his words.

"Sir, it would truly be a shame if you were to loose your position at this school. Wouldn't it Mattheo?" Draco smirked.

"It would! Not only that but once everyone found out that you work for my dad, he would have to kill you." Theo smiled psychotically.

"You wouldn't dare!" Snape stood up placing his hands on his desk for support.

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