45: Desert

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"She's here?" Theo asked shocked as Alayna ran to move the boat out of here.

"I saw Adrian so she most likely is too." I was still trying to catch my breath.

The boat suddenly took off as Alayna pushed as hard as she could. We had backed into the dock so it was fairly easy to get out.

At least I now knew who the other fancy boat belonged to. I looked over at it one last time but it was gone. No way they already left.

I almost lost my balance when Alayna put the brakes on. "We had a deal and you didn't honor it!" Serena yelled from in front of us.

Theo and I ran to the front to see Serena and Adrian in their boat below us along with some other vampires.

"Not today Serena. Get out of our way or I will run you over." Alayna threatened them.

Serena started cackling like a witch. She looked at Adrian and they both nodded before jumping up onto our boat.

"How did you do that?" Draco asked confused.

"Another joy of being a vampire." Adrian smiled at Draco. Adrain turned his focus to me. Theo stepped in front of me to block him.

"Stay back Adrian we are not in the mood." Theo held his wand out.

"We know you have the Scepter of Evil on board. What will happen when one of you tries to use it and it makes you evil? Have you done any research? Give it to us." Serena spoke to her son.

"And if we don't?" He asked.

"She comes with us." Serena pointed to me.

I suddenly remembered what Embry had said to me about Adrian. About how he raped her. I grabbed my wand discreetly and threw a spell at Adrian. It wasn't going to cause much harm but it would hurt like a bitch.

"What the hell did you do Sanders?" He groaned in pain.

"Getting revenge for what you did to the little girl!" I threw another spell at him. "She is a child! How could you do that to her?" I was yelling at this point and I fought back my tears. "Your a monster!"

"I knew that." Adrian smirked at me.

"Now is not the time KK." Alayna intervened.

"Get off our boat." I ignored Alayna speaking clearly and confidently. I blinked the tears away and held my wand up.

"It's hardly your boat. You stole it." Serena smirked.

"It's ours right now and you heard her, get off." Theo walked closer to his mom.

Adrian stood back up to his full height once the effect of my spell wore off. "Give us Kaitlyn and we will." He stepped up to Theo.

Theo smiled sarcastically at Adrian before swinging a punch to the side of his face.

"Oh shit!" Draco backed up shielding both Alayna and I.

"Draco your arm is in my way I can't see!" I pushed him out of the way to watch.

Theo and Adrian were fighting and throwing punches at each other. Theo pushed Adrian against the rail of the boat holding his pocket knife to his throat.

"Do it. I'll just come back to life." Adrain smirked.

"Not before we can get away!" Theo slit his throat and threw him overboard. "Mom. Get off or I will do the same to you. I don't want to, but I will." Theo pointed his knife at his mom.

"We will see you soon." Serena looked pissed but hopped of our boat back into her smaller one and drove over to fish out Adrian.

"Let's go!" Alayna started up the boat and we took off.

~Mattheo Riddle~ Will it Last?✔️Where stories live. Discover now