𝚁𝚊𝚜𝚙𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚛𝚢 𝚡 𝚁𝚘𝚜𝚎 | 𝚂𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚃𝚘 𝙳𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙵𝚘𝚛

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A/N: Hi! I wasn't planning on publishing anything today, but yesterday I had the realization that today is Rose's birthday, so I wanted to write a little something involving her. Happy birthday, Rose! 🎉


"No, no, no, these decorations are all wrong! Was anybody in the decorating committee listening to me during our meeting last week about color palettes? The decorations are supposed to be red, not teal! Who even uses teal to decorate a ballroom, anyways? Someone who's lost their mind, that's who!" Raspberry screeched as she saw the thin teal streamers hanging limply from the grandiose walls of House Raspberry's ballroom.

Every year, House Raspberry was known for hosting a grand, luxurious ballroom event for some of the other wealthier families in town to attend. The family had primarily decided this was a good idea in terms of forming connections with some of the other families; a way to insure a steady flow of income, was another way to phrase it. But eventually, it became accepted as more of a social mixer; one that managed to excite Raspberry every year, without fail.

But unlike the many other years of fun, dancing, and laughter, this year was going to be different; as this year, her cousin, Raspberry Mousse, was expected to start looking for a bride.

"We're, um- we're sorry, Raspberry! We... thought you said teal." A brave decorator squeaked, her voice trembling with fear. Living under the same roof as Raspberry, it became easier and easier to predict what was going to set her off next; and unfortunately, this was looking quite promising in such regards. "Since we already put the decorations up and all, what do you, um... want us to do about it?"

"What do you mean, what do I want you to do about it?" The pink-haired girl exclaimed, throwing her hands up in the air. "I asked for red decorations, and I'm still not seeing any of those, girl! You really need to pick up the slack around here, especially if you want to keep working here after today! I'd better see red decorations - and I don't mean orange, or yellow, or green, or any of those other colors, I mean red - before the doors are open, or I'm gonna have to fire you!" Raspberry threatened.

The decorator whimpered, running up to the decorations and beginning to tear them down, one by one. Raspberry was responsible for a handful of people quitting already, and she wasn't going to stop now.

"Alright, Raspberry, that's enough." A familiar voice warned her, placing his hand on his cousin's shoulder.

"Ugh, Mousse, what do you want? Can't you see, I'm really busy right now?"

Raspberry Mousse crossed his arms, shaking his head in absolute disapproval at his cousin. The older boy always had been the kinder and more proper of the two, especially when it came to ordering the workers around. "Cousin, you must be more sympathetic to the staff. I'm afraid, if you keep treating them all so harshly, we will not have anyone left to assist us."

Raspberry mimicked her older cousin, folding her arms and looking at him grumpily. "Oh, come on, Mousse, you've always been such a worry wart! Don't you ever just- I don't know, enjoy something, sometimes?" The younger sassed back, gesturing to the ballroom. "Honestly, if our servants are going to throw a bunch of teal streamers up in the ballroom and call it good, then maybe we need some new ones. Just a thought!"

"It isn't polite to call them servants, you know."

"It isn't polite to call them servants, blah, blah, blah!" Raspberry muttered beneath her breath, her head sarcastically bobbing side to side. "That's basically what they are, though, right?"

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