𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙲𝚊𝚌𝚊𝚘 𝚡 𝙿𝚞𝚛𝚎 𝚅𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚊 | 𝚁𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢

434 5 2

A/N: I don't have a clue how this oneshot became so long, but I'm just going with it I guess.

TW // angst, blood & gore, injury


"Take that, you wretched beast!" Dark Cacao exclaimed pridefully as he inflicted the final shot on a savage cake monster, his battle cry reverberating off the walls of the hidden cave-like fortress.

The ancient heroes had received a handful of statements reporting cake hound sightings in the eastern portion of Beast Yeast in the past week, but not one of them would've predicted the absolute abundance of them. The group had already been through at least two waves of the beasts, and they showed no signs of stopping.

To make matters worse, the Cacao warrior could feel his stamina depleting by the second. Though the Soul Jam did its best to keep the ancient heroes young and healthy, it did very little in the field of granting them energy. The King could tell the others were becoming just as worn out as he was - if not, even more so - and ducked down between a small piece of upward-standing rock. When the cake hounds were seemingly taking a break of their own, the Dark Cacao scooted over, motioning for the others to join him.

When they had finally huddled together, Hollyberry plopped down on the hard, rocky surface, letting out a groan. "I believe a few details were omitted from the statements that brought us here. For instance, the fact that we may have just walked into a death trap!" The Hollyberrian pouted.

Golden Cheese - who appeared to be favoring one of her legs - sat down beside Hollyberry, feeling slightly defeated. The woman had hoped this would be a 'get in, get out' sort of deal. But boy, had she been wrong about that. "No sh*t, Hollyberry." Was all she responded to the taller woman's comment. Adrenaline pumping from the ongoing battle, Golden Cheese hadn't even realized the large gash on her leg in which blood was escaping from.

Pure Vanilla was quick to catch the injury, however. Having tucked the flower staff that made his vision possible into a small bag on his bag, his hands were completely free to heal as necessary. That was especially crucial at a time like this. "Oh- Golden Cheese, you're bleeding..." The man observed, reappearing by her side. "Would you mind if I took a look at it?"

Golden Cheese nodded. "Yeah, go ahead. Just... be gentle, will you?" She teased, before breaking into a chuckle. "Nah, I'm just kidding. I can take it!"

"Oh, I know you can." Pure Vanilla encouraged with a smile. He admired the strength of his friends, especially when they agreed to work together like this. They may have bickered from time to time like today, but he knew they could take down the cake hounds this way. If there was anything the man believed, as cheesy as it sounded, it was the fact that friendship was a strong force.

The healer placed his hands gently on top of Golden Cheese's wound, his eyes opening as he focused on his magic. Before long, a yellow string of magic escaped from the blonde's hands, covering the wound completely. Golden Cheese let out a small wince, but was able to keep a somewhat brave front.

"Yeah, Cheese!" Hollyberry cheered.

"Oh, stop it, you." Golden Cheese scolded, hiding a small smirk.

Finally, the healing magic began to reconnect the skin, sealing off what had once been a huge cut and leaving only a scar. Vanilla may not have been the strongest physically - in all honesty, the guy probably couldn't do a single pull up on his own - but his concentration was arguably the best of all of them. He had become a master of healing, by this point, and that talent of his wasn't going to waste. He refused to be so cowardly when the others needed him. "There you go! All healed, and ready to go."

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