22. A Night Together

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"Oh ok" he says as he goes over to his drawers and pulls out a t-shirt and some shorts for me to wear and when I put them on they are huge on me.

Once im done changing into matts clothes I notice how big they are on me. And run over to Matt which was on the other side of the room sitting down.

"Their so big on me!" I said surprised looking down a the clothes.

"Yea they are" matt said standing up before he continued "your so cute"

Matt said and then looked me in my eyes and leaned in and planted as small long kiss on my lips while I kissed him back.

Then we both pulled away and went down stairs together.

"Ayo y/n were your clothes at?" Chris said shielding his eyes.

"Dude im wearing matts clothes....mine are soaking wet and dirty thanks to you" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Oh right" chris said putting his hand down.

"What are we doing tonight and where's nick?" Matt said and asked chris.

"Idk and nick is either in his room or the living room" chris said as he was sitting on the counter looking at his phone munching on some chips.

"NO FUCK YOU TV LEMON UPS TASTE LIKE ASS" we heard screaming coming from the living and then a loud thud.

"Nick are you ok-" I was saying as I ran into the living room and said nick on his hands and knees half way under his foot rest looking for the tv remote.

"WHERES THE FUCKING REMOTE?!" nick shouted madly.

Matts Pov (just for one second)

We heard nick screaming from the living room then y/n went and rushed into the living room while I went to follow her but Chris pulled me back and showed me that he had the remote "shhhh" he said as he showed me and we laughed about it for a bit then we heard nick scream looking for the remote.

Back to y/n's pov

"Nick calm down!" I said looking around the living room, while a lemon ups commercial was playing for like 10 min. Talking about how good they are and why people should buy them.

"LEMON UPS ARE DISGUSTING THEY ARE EVEN A FUCKING COOKIE" nick yelled at the tv while I was laughing trying to keep my cool but couldn't and was laughing the whole time looking for this fucking remote but can't find it anywhere.

Then I walk out the living room and into the kitchen where Matt and Chris were and when I walked in they were giggling right next to each other.

"What?" I asked them

"Nothing!" They both said in unison with a straight face and then shocked while looking at each other 

"did you guys take the remote?" I say quietly so Nick can't hear, while hes stills screaming in he living room

"Maybeee" chris said dragging out the e.

"Good" I said and smiled.

While us three went over and stood in the door way while watching nick run around the living room going crazy

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HELP ME!" Nick yelled and then went to search for the remote again.

Then chris smiled at us and pulled the remote out of his pocket and hung it in the air holding onto the top of it.

"Ohhhhh nicky" chris said wiggling the remote in his hands.

"YOU MOTHERFUCKER" nick screamed as he stared to run towards chris

tHen Chris took off running down the hallway while nick followed chasing him.

Then me and Matt heard a loud thud and Chris scream. So we both go towards the noises to find nick on top of Chris trying to get the remote from him.

"Give me it!" Nick said reaching for it

"No fuck off!" Chris said pushing him away.

Then nick hit his chest and then ripped the remote out of his clutch and got off of him.

"OWW" chris yelled as he clutched his chest and rolled on the ground laying their like a baby.

"Haha I got the remote" nick said.

"How's those lemon ups going nick?" Chris said as e got up.

"shut the fuck up!" Nick said to him as he jogged back into the living room to change the channel.

Then me Matt and Chris eventually went into the living room and sat down.

Matt was sitting at the edge of the couch and I was sitting next to him and Chris on my other side while nick was on the other couch since he didn't want Chris taking the remote.

"So what do you guys wanna watch?"nick asks us

" I dont know you pick" matt says

"Ok how about this?" Nick Sid scrolling on the tv to a movie

"Sure" I said and Chris and Matt agreed with me

Then nick started to movie and about 10 minutes into it my eyes were getting a bit heavy.

"You tired babe?" I heard Matt softly whisper into my ear.

"No im awake" I whisper back to him as I turn over and lay my head on his  chest wrap my left arm around him and my legs getting tangled with his.

Matts Pov:

I saw that y/n had to force her eyes open to watch the movie. So I asked her if she was tired and she said no then we started cuddling and I look away from her for one second to look st the tv and then look back and see her eyes closed.

' She is so beautiful how did I ever get this lucky to have a girl like y/n? 'I thought to myself. As I couldn't stop staring at her sleeping, it is so cute , it is Like watching a little chipmunk sleeping. Then I look at what time it is and its 10:40, oh good she doesn't have to leave yet, shes got 40 minutes, then she opens her eyes while im still staring at her thinking how beautiful she is.

"Hey wanna go to my room and sleep in there until its time for you to go home?" I whisper into her ear. And she nods. So we sit up and she wraps her arms and legs around my body and up I stand up.

"Hey where are you guys going?" Nick asks us.

"Y/n's tired so she's gonna sleep in my room until she has to leave" I explain to him

"Oh ok....no funny business" chris said winking at me.

"Shut the fuck up chris" I said turning around and heading to the stairs.



Last one for today, might post tomorrow night hope you guys like this, I've been posting less lately since I started this story during a weekend so I could post a lot more and write more but I've have homework and school getting in the way. Hole you guys liked this one

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