Matts Pov:
We then wall into McDonalds and tell the guy our order and nick stays up at the counter waiting for our food to be done so he can bring it back to us. We then walk to the back to find a seat and see the last person we would expect sitting at a table eating a medium fry, with coke, and a big mac. But eating was y/n.
My eyes widen at the sight of her, she has her hood up (shes also wearing my hoodie) and she wearing fake glasses with her hair in front of her face disguising herself.
Then she randomly slowly looks up and we make eye contact. Her face immediately goes from a straight face to a worried face.
Then grab Chris's arm so he.doesn't walk off away from me.
"what?" Chris says looking at me but I don't take my eyes off of y/n and she doesn't take her eyes off me, then Chris notices that im trying to tell him something so he looks at y/n and his eyes go wide
Then I walk up to her small table of one and sit down across from her while Chris sits next to me
"Hi sweetheart" I say.breaking the.awkward.silence
"Hi honey" she says with.her head down a little but looking at me
"What are doing here?" I ask her
"Mom kicked me out" she murmured
"oh wanna-" I said cutting myself off before I offered her to live with us
"Hm?" She says
"Uh.. I mean, would you like me to pay for that?" I say quickly
"Sure, I only 148 dollars.and 93 cents on me" she says
"really?" Chris says
"Yea, I had to gran what I could before I left in a hurry" she.said
"Why in a hurry?" Chris asked her
"Cause mom held a kitchen knife up threatening me with it to quote on quote "get the fuck out my house" y/n says the last part in a different tone mocking her mom.
"Oh.shit" chris says silently
"Im sorry y/n" I say trying to make things a little bit better
"Dont apologize" she says
Then nick comes around the corner with our food.
"Nick!" I say cause I can see him looking around for us, then he walks over to us without seeing y/n yet
"Alright-" nick says setting down the tray with our food on it, and then looking up and seeing y/n
Then nicks face immediately drops from a small smile looking at the food to a straight serious face looking at y/n
"What is she doing here?" Nick leans in and Whispers to me
"She got kicked out" I Whisper to him
"Oh, you know dad said that we can't be with her remember" nick says to me
"I know but she has nowhere to go and nobody will trust her" I say to him looking him in the eyes and both of us have a serious face.
"You trust her?" Nick asks me
"Yea I do,.what do not trust her?" I say raising my eyebrows at him. Then he sits Dow at the end of the table
"alright lets eat" nick says completely avoiding my question
Then I look over at Chris and his face is confused.
"Did you hear what me and nick were talking about?" I ask Chris
"Yea...why didn't he fucking answer you?" Chris Whispers to me
"I don't know... I think he doesn't trust y/n" I say with a worried face to chris.
"Sit next to y/n, so she knows that you trust her and Ill talk with nick, also tell y/n that I trust her" chris tells me
"mhmm" I hum in agreement and I stand up and walk around the table and sit next to y/n
"Hey babe.." I say
"Hi hon" she says
"Y/n I just want you to know, that me and Chris trust you and think that the news is framing you ok?" I tell her
"You do?" She looks up at me with teary eyes with a small hopeful smile on her face.
"Why wouldn't i?" I say and then I kiss her forehead, and five her a couple second long hug.
Then we pull away and both face forward and I see nick staring st me in the eyes with wide eyes telling me that im doing the wrong thing but I knew I wasnt, shes my girlfriend, my love of my life, I trust her with all my heart, but I also trust nick but my heart is telling me to trust y/n, and that's what's im doing.
Then we eat our food and its silent almost the whole time there's some small talk but nick doesn't say a word or even look at y/n the whole time.
Then we get done eating.
"Hey y/n where are you going to stay for the night?" I lean over and Whisper into her ear
"I don't know" she says
"You can sneak in at night and sleep in my room" I Whisper to her very quietly to make sure nick doesn't hear, and she just nods and smiles a small smile at me.
"Matt can you take me to walmart? I need to buy a few things" she asks me, yea sure
Then once everybody is done eating we all get up and go to the car, nick refuses to sit in the back with y/n so Chris does.
Then we get to Wal-Mart and we all get out and walk to the door.
"Hey chris, y/n, I have to talk with nick for a bit so we can spilt up and in a hour meet back here" I tell them
"Ok see you" y/n says as then Chris and y/n walk off and me and nick start walking.
I basically just talk too Nick about the whole y/n situation, but he doesn't fully trust her yet like me and Chris do, but he won't tell mom and dad about seeing y/n.
Hope you guys liked this one it took me a couple of days to do this one. Love yalls!!
And thank you guys so much for almost 5k views!!!!!!! And for over 80 votes!!!!!! I love yalls!!

Drama (Matt Sturniolo x y/n)
RomansaOne day the triplets move in next door to y/n and become best friends with each other but y/n sees one of the triplets as a little more than friends but too much drama goes on at school and makes a twist in the friendship with the triplets and crea...