2. School

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Nick and I text back about our interests and school, and facts about each other and also mentions that he is gay, so that explains why he was being for friendly and talkative abt some girly things. Then I realized what time it is and it's late since I have the first day of school tmr For this year along with the triplets and is going to be their first day at my school.

I wake up to my alarm clock at 7:15 but as soon as I hit snooze my mom comes in.

"Y/n! No snoozing you need to get up for school, you don't want to be late" she says trying to get me out of bed.

"Ok fine.." I say while sighing and walking into the bathroom to get ready.

I come out of the bathroom and pick out high waisted jeans with holes in them with a black crop top (you can pick ur clothes). I grab my phone and backpack and walk out of my room and walk down the stairs into the kitchen and eat breakfast. Since I am 16 and in high school I can drive, so once i get down eating I walk out of the house and get into my car and as im doing so as im pulling away I notice the triplets all three walking out of tere house and notice that they all pile into a van and notice that Matt can drive since he is walking towards the drivers side door and Chris and Nick jyst stay there on the other side climbing in. They don't notice that I was the one in the car. I really hoped that they are in my grade, since I only have like 2 really good friend and a hand full of bullies.

(Time skip) Once I get to school I notice that the triplets park right next to me. I get out of my car and walk up to theirs.

"Hi guys!" I say as I walk up to them smiling. And noticed matts eyes go big and his cheeks turn a bit pink as he looks down at his shoes.

"Hi!" Chris and nick as in unison but Matt doesnt. I look st him confused cause he normal says hi to me

"What's wrong u shy matty?" Chris teases him.

"shut up chris" Matt says while giggling. Damn..his giggle was so cute I couldn't hold it in and my cheeks turn pink and I smile a bright smile.

"So uh..what grade are you guys going into?" I ask them to change the subject hoping the say that they are in my grade.

"11th" Matt says answering me looking me in my eyes, I just butterflies from that in my stomach for some reason.

"Oh my god your in my grade!" I say excitedly. As I start to get cold " im getting cold I think we should go in"

"Good idea y/n" chris says. As all us four walk up to the door. Matt and Nick are next to me with Chris on the other side of matt. And I noticed that Chris kept on looking over at Matt while smirking and nodding his head, and Matt just slapped his shoulder.

Once we get inside I turn around too talk to the triplets.

"What are your guys schedules?" I asked them. They tell me their schedules and I have two classes with chris, 4 with nick, and Matt Haas my exact schedule.

*damn that's weird" chris says smiling at matt.

"Shut the fuck up chris" matt says laughing with pink cheeks.

Then soon while we were all talking the bell rings and we go to our lockers luckily our lockers were all right next to each other since their last name was Sturniolo and mine was stevens , matts locker was to my right, and nicks was on my left and chris's was on the other side of matt's. Nick then went to math, which was his first hour, and Chris went to history, then me and Matt walked to Science together.

Once we got into science class the teacher Had the seating arrangement on the board and me and Matt were science partners! We were both happy, since he didn't know anyone here except me and his brothers, since it was a free day since it was the first day of school matt and I got too talking and he is really nice, sweet, and caring. Then the class period ended, wow that went by fast I thought as Matt and I walked too our next class.

(Time skip sry for so many) Then lunch time rolled around way too fast, and I decided too sit was the triplets. Then my girl best friend Abby came over.

"Hey y/n, who are them? Aren't they the new kids?" She asked me.

"oh yea I forgot to text you last night but they are my neighbors that just moved in last night and im helping them get around the school and they are really nice and cool as well" I told Abby abt the triplets.

"Are the triplets? Bc they really look alike..." She asked me.

"Well no shit sherlock." I said sarcastically looking at her and we both just laughed.

"Hey look its the loser with some new friends!" Tyler shouted directing at me while laughing along with his friends.

"Who are those guys y/n?" Matt asked in a serious tone glaring at them.

"Uh...they are my uhh....fine their my bullies they are rude to me every day and won't stop" I mutter out looking down at the table messing with my fingers. They all looked at me in silence with wide eyes while Abby was rubbing my back.

"It's ok y/n, ill make sure they don't mess with you again" Matt said in a protective tone looking at me with soft eyes reassuring me.

"Ok..thank you Matt" I tell him.

"Ill do my best y/n your welcome" Matt says to me.

Time skip to once everyone is done eating and the bell rings and Matt and I get up and start walking we say bye to nick and Chris and abby. As we are walking to art together Gideon (one of my bullies) looks at me as we pass each other in the hallway, smiles, and then trips me with his foot. I start to fall but then I feel a something warm wiggle itself around my waist as I don't hit the ground, I look up and its Matts arm is around my waist, I look up at him into his eyes. When I look into his eyes it looks like he is lost in my eyes as he just stares into my eyes.

Matt's Pov:(really quickly)

As y/n and I are walking to our next class which is art I notice that some guy we are passing in the hallway looks at y/n and smiles at her then the next thing I know it that I see y/n falling and I don't even hesitate, and grab her Waist with my arm just before she hits the ground. As she looks up at me I feel butterflies in my stomach as I just stare into her beautiful green eyes, and she looks back up at me. I just get lost in those eyes of hers. But then something breaks the silence..... The bell..

Y/n's Popanic

As im still in matts arms and im looking up at him something breaks the moment ...the bell..we both then look at each other with sides eyes and start to panic he picks me up and puts me on my feet as we run down the hallway and get into art class.

"why are you guys late to class?" Mr Ryan says to us waiting for an answer.

"Uh..y/n dropped her books and water bottle in the hallway and her water bottle got spilt, so I stayed back to help her clean up" matt quickly makes up a lie.

"Oh ok then well pick your guys seats." Mr Ryan says. Watching us go pick our seats as hes about to start class.

Matt and I go and pick a seat at a table and sit next to each other and once we sit down class starts.


Words: 1349

Hope you guys liked this I might have gotten lost in writing and made it longer than I thought I was

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