13. More School Drama

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Once we got into school we weren't to our lockers and do the same as we do, then we all went off to our 1st hour classes Matt and I went in there and sat down at our usual spot and I looked around the room since I was bored and I caught Kayla glaring at me, oh that made me happy cause that means that she knows to back off of matt. Class went on normal. Then lunch arrives oh great.

Me and Matt are walking to lunch, laughing and talking like normal, then we get to lunch, get our food and head off to our normal table with nick,chris and abby. 

"hey guys!" I said walking over to the table with matt.

"Hey y/n!" Abby said. Me and Matt sat down in between Abby and nick. And we ate lunch talking and laughing, telling stories.

"Hey y/n im gonna go and talk to a friend real quickly ok?" Matt said making sure I heard him.

"Ok" I said watching him walk off. And nick took his spot

"Why did you move?" I asked nick.

"In case anyone tries to pull more shit like last week and I don't want to be left out" nick told me

"Oh ok gotcha" I said understanding him.

Lunch was about to end and Matt hadn't been back yet so I decided to go looking for him I went over to his friends that he told me he was going too and they told me that he said he was coming back over to me, but he wasn't there, I looked around the whole cafeteria, so I thought he might have gone to the bathroom so I thought he would be on his way back so I went and looked in the hallway and when I turned around a tear immediately fell down my cheek I was in disbelief on what was happening right in front of my eyes about 20 feet away I saw Kayla pinning Matt against the wall and they were kissing but Matt looked like he wasn't enjoying it. Tears had just to begin falling down my cheeks like a river and I was just standing there watching Matt and Kayla kissing, now that was the last thing I thought I was going to see today. Then Matt opened his eyes and I hid behind a pillar to listen to them. I peaked and I saw Matt shove her off.

"Alright its been 30 seconds , you won't hurt her now right? Our deal is still on or ill do the same thing to your boyfriend I did last week." Matt said pissed tightening his fists when he said that.

"Sureeee a deals a deal" she said flirty.

"Stop your not going to seduce me" matt said angrily.

"My boyfriend could beat your ass anyway" Kayla mumbled under her breathe.

"What did you just say?" Matt said tightening he fists once more.

"Nothing a deals a deal" Kayla said with a blank expression this time.

"Alright that's what I thought" matt said turning around and walking back into the cafeteria And I ran towards the door on the other side of the cafeteria so I could maybe get back to the group before he did. But we both walked up to the table together coming from different places. And my tears had dried so you could see them and it looked like I didn't cry so I was good.

"Oh hey y/n I found matt" chris said jokingly

"Oh good job me too" I said as I sat down next to Matt and I glanced over and him and saw him wiping off his lips and then taking a drink of his water. Then after lunch I proceeded to act normal like I didn't see anything but I was actually hurt about what I saw and what did he mean 'you won't hurt her now'? Was Kayla going to hurt me or something. Then when school ended and we walked down the hallway we both saw Kayla going the opposite direction of us and Matt pulled me to his other side farther away from her so she couldn't trip me or something? I was confused and also worried about what they were taking about.....should I bring it up to Matt when we are alone and ask him about since I'm pretty sure I was the only witness that would actually care.

"Hey y/n ive got something to tell you." Matt turned to me once we got outside with a worried expression on his face.



Left you guys at a cliff hanger sorry, I have to wake up early tomorrow, hope you guys liked it.

What is Matt gonna talk about y/n with????

ill post another tomorrow!

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