29. Matt and Katie

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Still Matts Pov:

Abby and another one of y/n's friends I think her name is Katie. And they are just standing there in the door way looking at us with there mouths open glued down to the floor.

"Uh hi abby, hi Katie what are you guys doing here so late?" Y/n say awkwardly

"So do you guys wanna finish some things before or...." Abby says while Katie is standing behind her

then y/n jumps up off my lap as I lower my knees so she can get off me.

" no its fine" y/n says as she gets off me and standing up off the bed as Abby and Katie come into the room more and I move so I am now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"We found this outside your window next to the ladder" abby said as she handed me a piece of paper.

"Oh?" Y/n said as she looked down to read it

Then she just stared at it with her eyes widened and just did not look away. Then I stood up from the bed and slowly placed my hands on my shoulders and look around her shoulder. And the paper read 'you'll regret this y/n' 

"What the fuck" I say as I take the paper out of y/n's hands to look at it more and then I feel y/n wrap her arms around my side as I move my arm back a little so I can put my arm around her and she just stares off into space and I look at the paper and she is scared.

"Its going to be ok" I say as I look down and place my hand on the side of her head while I lean my head down and kiss her head slowly rubbing her head with my hand.

"Its ethan" she.says

"I know honey, ill protect you ok?" I say leaning my head down more and saying it quietly.

"You guys wanna spend the night or?" Y/n looks up at Abby and Katie

"I mean that's what we came here for but we walk in on you guys making out, I mean we could leave and let you guys do you thing" abby said grinning at me

"sounds like a good idea" I Whispered into y/n's ear while she's now standing next to me and she opens her mouth a bit shocked at what I said and lightly hits my chest as I dramatically fall back onto her bed behind us.

"Its fine you guys can" y/n says

"Ok yay" Katie says as she runs over to my beanbag and jumps on it

And we all laugh

Y/n's Pov:

 And continue on with our night until I feel something hit the back of my head but it doesn't hurt, and I turn around to see Abby standing there with a pillow in her hand and I get one of my pillows and get off my bed and chase her around my room and then corner her and start to hit her with the pillow up I feel another pillow hit me and I turn around and I see Katie hitting me and then I hit her and then they both start hitting me as I fall onto the ground screaming a bit and then matts gets a pillow and throws it at Katie and then Katie turns around and starts hitting him with the pillow as he defends himself with another one of my pillows from behind him 

(apparently there's a lot of pillows on your bed in this story lol) 

And then Katie trips over some of my clothes on the floor and she falls on matt and since Matt is holding a pillow he doesn't have enough time to catch her and she falls on him landing on his chest and then that's when I look up and she's Katie roll of him falling on the ground.

"Are you ok?" Matt says as he sits up and leans over the side of the bed.

"Yea" she says as Matt puts out one of his heads to help her up as he gets off my bed....and she takes it and Matt pulls her up and when he pulls her up he doesn't back up, like how he did with ME last time and then they just look into each others eyes for a half a second and then they both back up while me and Abby are about 6 feet away from them just watching this happen.

"Sorry" matt says as he lets go of Katie's hand looking down and backing up away from her.

"Yea" Katie says as she turns around and opens my door "im gonna go to the bathroom" she says

"Oh ok" abby says as im just standing there in disbelief on what I saw.

'Why were they that close? Why didnt he let go of her hand? Why did they look at each other like that? Why did he help her up?' I think as I have so many thought and questions running through my brain as I start to panic but the only thing that  changes is my breath, it goes uneven and I start breathing faster.

Matts pov: 

Katie just fell on her after attacking me with a pillow and then she fell off the bed so I stand up being nice and put out my hand to help her up and when I do I forgot to back up, I look into her eyes for a little and remember that look she used to give me and then I hear her Whisper "im still in love with you" she Whispers quiet enough for only me to hear and then I let go of her and step.back and walk to.the other side of the bed as I hear footsteps and hear Katie say "im going to the bathroom" as she opens the door to y/n's bedroom and closes it.

'She's still in love with me. She broke up with me almost 2 years ago and she still loves me? But im dating y/n. And Katie is really nice. But y/n is prettier and really nice. They are both fun. Wait why am I comparing them right now? Im dating y/n and only y/n no one else. Matt, Katie is your ex remember that.' I think to myself quickly.

Katie's pov:

"I gonna go to the bathroom" I say as I open and then close y/n's bedroom door behind me and going into the bathroom and sitting on the floor thinking to myself.

'Why did I say that? I mean its true, I do still love him. Why did I have to end things with him? I wish I didnt. Katie he's dating y/n. Does he love me back? But hes with y/n so probably not, considering we just walked in on them making out on her bed.' I think to myself 

Then once im done in the bathroom I walk out and back to y/n's door and go in seeing them all staring at me.

'Oh shit, did Matt tell them?' I think to myself

"Im gonna go home" I say as I gather the stuff I left in her room

"I need to talk to you" y/n says to me

'Oh shit he did tell them' as I get my stuff

"Ok" I say as then y/n grabs my hand leading me out of her room and then closing The door.

"What happened between you and Matt just now? Matt won't say anything" y/n asks me

"Oh um me and Matt used to date" I say looking st the ground

"What" she says

"About 2 years ago I broke up with him" I said

"Why didnt you tell me before" she asked me

"I thought it wouldn't be a problem but it is" I accidentally say 

"What do you mean" y/n says confuse crossing her arms

"......i...uh....i-i still am in love with matt" I say starting to walk away

"What!?" She shouts

"Im sorry" I say walking faster towards her front door and opening it and then closing it behind me and leaving walking back to my house



I might post another tonight but will definitely post tomorrow. This was a crazy chapter, love yalls! And thank you guys so much for over 800 views and almost 900!!!!! I never thought I'd get this far thank you everybody that still reads this story, it keeps me motivated to keep writing this story!! :)

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