Still matts pov:
As im in my room with nick my phone starts to vibrate in my pocket and when I look at it is says 'y/n calling' I immediately pick up and put the phone to my ear and turn to facing the wall
"Yeah are you ok?" I said almost immediately
"Yea im fine, other than getting screamed at for 5 minutes straight" y/n said laughing a bit afterword
"Oh well I guess ill see you at school tomorrow" I said not knowing how to respond to that.
"Yea see ya" y/n said right before she hung up.
Time skip to that night:
Me, chris, and nick are sitting in the living room watching a movie and it is currently 11:35 then I notice that my phone lights up on the table, and see that its a text from y/n. I pick up my phone and look at the text.
Bold: y/n
Normal: matt
'Hey Matt im bored'
'Ok, do something entertaining'
'Can I come over To your house?
' sure call me'
I reply back to her, then right after she calls me. And I Answer right away and put the phone up to me ear.
"So how are you going to come over?" I ask her confused
"Im thinking that ill put pillows and a wig under the blankets and turn off my light, and ill bring over some stuff then ill go out my window and close the window once I get onto the ladder then ill bring it over to your window." Y/n explained to me
"Ok sounds like a plan" I said replying to y/n
"Alright see you in a couple minutes" y/n said to me
"Yup see you" I said back to her. Right before she hung up
Then I looked out my window and saw her heading over to her Window with a little backpack of things and then opening it, and I unlock my window so she'll be able to get in. Then before I know it I hear my window opening and I look over and seeing a little backpack flying into my room along with y/n.
"you good? Looks like your rushing" I say to her laughing a bit.
"Well I wanted to get over here before my mom goes into my room to check on me" y/n told me.
"oh ok makes sense" I replied and continued with "so what do you want to do?"
"idk hang out?" She suggests
"Sure" I said as she walked over and sat on my bed next to me.
"Dont invite nick and Chris I want it to be only us and don't tell them unless they catch me" y/n tells me
"Ok" I said as I got up from the bed and locked the door just in case.
Then I went back over to me bed and sat down next to y/n and we started talking about school and gossip and all that sort of stuff for about an hour or so so it was past midnight now.
"im hungry" y/n said clutching her stomach a bit
"Want me to go get you some chips?" I asked her.
"Yea sure, can you get me Doritos?" Y/n asked me
"Yea sure ill be right back" I said as I walked out of my room closing the door behind and me going down stairs to get chips I saw Chris in the kitchen leaning against a counter on his phone, and I walked right past him and went to the cabinet and it the chips and then started heading back towards the stairs.
"Not even a good night?" Chris said jokingly looking up form him phone
"Good night" I said walking past him and going back up the stairs then I saw nick in the hallway
"You watching a movie in your room or something?" Nick asked me
"Uh no I dont think so I don't know" I said back to him
"Cool can we hang out in your room?" Nick asked me
"No" I replied
"Why?" Nick asked me
"Cause im tired" I told him
"But you have chips" nick said confused
"Yea ill be hungry in the morning" I told him
"Thats fucking weird but ok" nick said shurging his shoulders
"How's that weird? Your not hungry in the morning?" I asked him confused
"I don't know man" nick said walking away. Well that was kind of weird but ok. I walked down the hallway and went into Into my room and closed the door locking it behind me. And when I looked over at my bed all I saw was y/n laying there and she looked like she was sleeping so I just set the chips down next to my bed and got into my pajamas, which were just my shorts and I turned off the lights and got in bed with y/n and laid down next to her and kissed her on the forehead.
"good night y/n" I whispered softly.
"Going to bed so soon?" Y/n said with her eyes closed still.
"Your still awake?" I said getting a bit scared without expecting it.
"Yep" y/n said giggling a bit and then opening her eyes to look into mine, as I see her beautiful green Emerald eyes looking at me with a dark shadow lying over them. I get butterflies when she looks at me like that.
"Hey y/n" I ask her
"Yea matt?" She said softly
"Will you be my girlfriend?" I ask her nervously but I know why I am cause I already know the answer to it.
Hope you guys liked this one ill post another tonight maybe even two tonight.
I am falling in love with this series even though I just started it and have been nonstop updating it and its my first story I hope you guys love it as much as I do.

Drama (Matt Sturniolo x y/n)
Storie d'amoreOne day the triplets move in next door to y/n and become best friends with each other but y/n sees one of the triplets as a little more than friends but too much drama goes on at school and makes a twist in the friendship with the triplets and crea...