28. To The Rescue/Surprise

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"I walked" he said

"No fucking way, this guy really is crazy" matt Whispers to me

"dont worry ill protect you" ethan said as he started to climb the ladder.

"ethan please, I don't need protecting" I said as my eyes started to water

"what do you mean? every girl needs protection" ethan said smirking and stopping on the ladder about 3 out of the 12 steps up

"just please leave im tired" I say

"but please it's getting cold out" ethan says smiling

"I dont think thats a good idea" I say

"by why? ill be gone in 10 minutes" he said as he climbed up to the 6th step, just 6 more until my window.

"stop!" I say making him stop climbing the ladder

"what's wrong sweetie" ethan said stretching his arm out and tried to grab my shirt to pull me down.

"just please go away!" I say on the verge of crying

"but it'll only take a few minutes" he said as he slowly went up one step

"im not your sweetie, or darling, or hon, I broke up with your over a year ago!" I yell at him and then realize what I just did and cover my mouth as a ear falls down my cheek.

"what?" Ethan said as he stopped on the ladder looking up at me.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY!?" ethan shouted at me pissed


"You did not just fucking say that" he Saud quickly hopping up two steps (on step 9 put of 12) and then quickly reaching forward grabbing matts hoodie tat I had on and pulling me down and starts smelling the hoodie.

"YOUR FUCKING CHEATING" ethan screams in my ear as I feel matts arm wrap around my stomach and feel him pull me into the room again and I look up and see matts other arms flying forward and punching Ethan in the face.

"DONT FUCKING TOUCH HER" matt screams as he punches Ethan and then gets me fully back inside my room and pulls me in for a nice long warm hug while I cry.

And then matt picks me up and goes over to the window and looks down and see Ethan getting up off the ground, then matts takes one of his hands out from beneath me and closes the window and then soon locking it. As I look out the window and see Ethan running away down the street.

"Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" Matt says pulling his head back looking down at me placing his hand on my chin and moving my head up to face his.

"Im fine and he didn't hurt me he just pulled on your hoodie but my neck kind of hurts" I tell him

"Ok" matt says as he leans over and places me on my bed.

And then turning over and turning off my bedroom lift and then coming back over to Me and getting in bed with me and laying down right next to me and wrapping his arms around me.

"I love you baby, alright? Ill be there for you any time you need me" matt tells me

"I love you too matty" I say as I waffle my head to his chest and keep it there and then I soon fall asleep and so does matt.

Matts Pov:

I wake up and remember that it I fell asleep at y/n's house, then I check the time; 2:38 AM. I look back at y/n and she her laying there in my arms with hers wrapped around me, I just look at her a wonder how I could possibly have gotten with a girl so beautiful and kind and funny as y/n.

Then I see her eyes flutter open and meet with mine

"Oh your awake now" she says quietly while smiling

"What?" I ask her confused

"I woke up about a hour ago and can't go back to sleep" she says

"Oh" I say as we still hold eye contact and look at.each other lips, this reminds me of our first time all over again for some reason. Then lean in and place a.soft kiss on her lips and pull away but then I feel her grasp her hands on my shirts collar and then pulling me in quickly for my lips to meet hers and we open ours mouths letting each other explore our.mouths and she pulls me in more deepening the kiss as I move my arms and hands and place them on her hips and pull her in so our.body's are right up against each other and then she places one of her hands on my cheek and rubs it with her thumb and then she takes the other one and slips it under my shirt and rubs my side and back with his hand.

Then we hear.....tip.....tap.....tip......tap rocks hitting my window. But we both look each.other in the eyes and just decide to ignore it and if its someone important they'll go to the front door. Then we close our eyes and go back to making out, then I hear a girls voice outside.but think its just the neighbors kids messing with y/n again. Then I hear something from down stairs.

"Y/n I heard something coming from downstairs" I say as I pull away from the kiss for a second

Then y/n leans in a kisses me and says" well I didn't hear it" and then pulls me in again resuming the kiss.

(Btw there's no blanket on them so you can see how close they are and where their hands are)

Then one of my hands accidentally slip down to y/n's butt, so I move it back to her side and then I feel y/n take one hand off me and grab my hand and put it back on her butt, and then she rolls me over, now that im on my back and she's on top of me and we.are.still making out while her hips are straddling my hips and then my back gets uncomfortable so I sit up while y/n is still on my lap and put my knees up a bit so I then push y/n down on my legs and lean over her and raise my knees so she's closer to my face and I lean down a resume the kiss, and I then place one of my hands on her cheek and the other on her wasit. And she places one of her. Hands In my hair twisting it and tangling her fingers In it and rubbing it all at the same time. And places her other hand on my neck and rub my jaw line slowly with her thumb.

Then her bedroom door opens while we are.making out. And me and y/n pull away at the same time but.staying in our position. And when I look up is see....



I might post tonight but probably won't but I will definitely post Tomorrow evening! Goodbye everyone and goodnight/morning! :).

Oh and sry to leave it at a cliff hanger I got lost in writing almost made it way longer than I want and thank you guys for over 700 views!!

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