The city of adventurers and home to the largest dungeon in the world. With a tower so high some say that it reaches beyond the heavens and stars themselves by the height of it.
Here, many gods and goddesses reside. Creating familias and granting those that follow them blessings as to face the perils of the dungeon. Seeking rewards and fame for what it has to offer yet risking their lives as the crawl down its dark depths.
To which now, in the dungeon's upper floors, laughter and footsteps echoed in the walls. If one were to see with their own eyes, they would've believed they saw a giant rabbit. Running and laughing without a care in the world as it was being chased by a beast.
In actuality, it was a young boy. No older than perhaps fourteen or fifteen with white hair and red eyes. Laughing as he was running away from a monster chasing him. A large beast with horns on its head, standing like a man and roaring similar to a cow crying.
He was being chased by a minotaur; a creature found in much lower floors than the current level they were on.
To others, the mere thought of a minotaur chasing them would even make grown men cry like children and be on the run for dear life. Yet to this boy, it would appear as though this was merely but a game to him.
As he laughed and zig zagged across the fifth floor of the dungeon. With nothing but the clothes on his body, a small shoulder bag and a knife at his hips. Turning into different corridors and pathways. Looking behind and laughing as the beast was being injured by the dungeon's walls and rocks in its way.
However, now there was only an empty space with multitude of paths and corridors, potentially leading to anywhere else on this floor or perhaps back up above, or down below. Panting as he looked around, he also heard the monster's roar coming closer.
"Ahh...guess I can't pick and run now. Guess that means, it's time to kick this things ass!"
With a cheeky grin on his face, he turned and pulled out his knife from his hip. Facing at the corridor where he just exited from and heard the heavy stompings of the minotaur aproaching faster and faster.
"Alright! Lets get this party started, you monster ox!"
"A minotaur?"
A voice from one of the corridors echoed in the space around the young boy. As he turned his head slightly, but his eyes fixed on the one before him. Seeing the charging beast come at him as he slashed at the lower chest of it. Side stepping to the left as he saw the minotaur bleed and stumble a bit.
As the boy again slashed and dodged another charge from the beast. Another set of footprints came closer and closer. To where now the boy saw a large prominent figure emerging from the corridor. He stood quite tall, perhaps over seven feet in height. Carrying a large broadsword on his back as he saw him and the beast in a fight.
"Impressive. Dodging two charges head on and injuring it in the process."
"Ah! You were watching huh? Thanks, though it's my first time with this monste-woah! Nice try!" The boy said as he narrowly dodged the beast's horn as it tried to pierce the boy's skull. Yet narrowly dodging as only a few hairs were cut off from his head.
"Your reflexes aren't that bad ether. How long have you been an adventurer. You look new to me, but have skill."
"Not surprising! I've only been dungeon diving for about a week and a half. Came here two weeks ago."
As he yelled out to the man, he didn't realize how the taller man's eyes widened in shock. In his mind, he couldn't fathom how a kid like him was able to at least dodge and get a few hits in to a minotaur. When they were challenging to freshly new leveled adventurers.

Love! Death! War! They all Love a Rabbit!
FanfictionThe Freya Familia Ran by the Goddess of Love, War and Fertility Freya herself. A familia known for their brutal strength, one of two responsible for casting the other strongest gods, Hera and Zeus, out. Their members being considered the strongest...