Days with a Rabbit: Elven Divorce

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"I'm surprised you came later than usual. Lately you seem to come by every day or other day. Why this time? It's been three days and Monsterphelia is in four days." Hephaestus said as she was currently seated by the kiln.

In front of her was a grindstone wheel she was making rotate with a pump she built to keep it spinning. Pumping it with her foot as she inspected the weapon she was still making for Freya as the other goddess settled in her seat.

"Well, you weren't at the meeting a few days ago. But you are aware Monsterphelia was pushed back. Hermes screwed up a few things and those of us with actual use and money needed to put in aid to help Ganesha with the sudden change in plans." Freya said as she sank back into the comfortable armchair she was in.

"That idiot. When will he realize he has to stop messing around. I feel sorry for his children." Hepahestus said as she was putting on her goggles and slowly started to bring the weapon to the grindstone. Slowly moving it along the wheel as small sparks started to fly. 

"So the reason why I was late was because I needed to fill out paperwork and set my children out on certain jobs to help Ganesha. Which went rather well and paid off quite a bit." Freya said as Hephaestus turned her head towards her before going back to her grinding the weapon.

"For your familia or for the story you're gonna tell me? I'll listen, but I'll be a bit focused on this so sorry if I don't respond or yell at whatever insanity your child pulls off." She said as she returned back to the weapon and slowly gliding it up and down.

"Well we did make quite the profit. But yes, Bell now seems to have created quite the rumor that now people are gossiping and believe it to be true." Freya said as she waited a bit and saw that Hephaestus was now focused heavily on sharpening the blade.

"He solidified that Hedin and Riveria were married. However, they're now divorced because of a dispute over him." She started off as that was when Hephaestus nearly fell over the grinding stone. Nearly hitting it and would have eventually scraped part of her face if she hadn't landed a bit to the right of it. 

"Riveria tried claiming that he couldn't be her child as he didn't have the proper traits of an elf. Much less Elven Royalty. Hence to why Hedin despises Riveria, for refusing to believe he is their child, and wanted nothing to do with him at birth."

"Is your child fucking mental!? How!? Just how did he create a rumor that big, and how are idiots falling for it and gossiping it around like a whore in the red light district!?" Hephaestus said as she pointed the weapon at Freya on instincts and had her hands up in the air at the sheer audacious news she was told.

"Loki as absolutely going to kill you for starting this."

"Would you believe me that Bell was only about half the reason this rumor came to be? But rather, he had a bit of help from Loki's own children." Freya said as she opened one eye and smiled at Hephaestus as she was frozen with a shocked look on her face.

"How and when the fuck was this? And who in the right mind from Loki's Familia would believe such a-"

"Thousand Elf Lefiya. Along with her little friend from Dionsyus Filvis Challia. They were there when it happened and helped spread this rumor after seeing what Bell did to the shop owner."

"...This is gonna take me all day, but fuck it. Fuck it! I have to hear this now. Your weapon's gonna take longer since I'm now gonna have to sharpen it slowly to be able to hear this story now! I hope you're happy!"

"Not at happy as you are. If I didn't know any better, I think you've been looking forward to hearing my stories about Bell now." Freya smirked as she saw the smithing god now taking her time and pacing the sharpening of the blade very slowly as she leaned forward in the arm chair. 

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