Invoker of Craziness! Along with Invoking a Talent for Fine Cooking?

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A tired and struggling Bell could be seen rolling around in his bed this early morning in his room. Groaning and turning from one side to the other in attempts to get comfortable and return to his dreams. Yet sadly, this morning's sunlight was being rather annoying like Eina in his opinion as the rays were hitting his bed. 

Making him feel too warm and awoke him. As he now tried to turn in his bed to find cold to make him fall back asleep. However, this was proven to have no effect as the longer he stayed in bed, the sun would still rise enough to where the sun's rays could now hit his face. 

"Damnit...just when I thought I could sleep in a little while longer. I wish it was foggy like yesterday, that felt like I could've stayed in bed all day." Bell muttered as he rolled over to the left side of his bed and pulled the covers off himself. 

Stretching his back as he raised both arms up. Moving his neck side to side to hear audible pops and light sounding cracks coming from his neck as he slid down from his bed to reach his sandals that were on the floor. Slipping his feet in them as he walked away from the bed in nothing but a pair of oversized shorts he wore to sleep.

Making his way into his own restroom a few feet away from the bed as he turned on the lights and now facing the mirror he had over his sink. Staring at his tired face in the reflection while rubbing one of his eyes.

Blinking twice to notice he had eye crust in the corner of his eyes and a little bed head that wasn't much different than how his hair normally looks. Turing on the faucet as he briefly washed his face first before brushing his teeth thoroughly and gurgled out his mouth for rinse. 

Before leaving his bathroom, he paused to look at himself in the mirror. Looking down and turning a bit to each side. His fingers tracing over the scars he's had for years now and some that were still healing from the incident back at Monsterphilia.

There was one particular scar he couldn't seem to take his eyes off of. The large X shaped gash that was at the center of his chest. Gently tracing it and resting his hand over it as he looked at himself in the mirror, smiling as he looked at it with a familiar and reminiscent gaze.

"*Sigh* I'll keep my promise to you. It'll be a while before I can help you achieve your wish, so bear with me and wait a little longer..." He said to himself. Smiling at his own reflection as he turned around and shut off the lights. 

Quickly moving to his drawer and pulling out a set of clothes and quickly dressing up. Now wearing nothing but a pair of black pants and a loose pale blue long sleeve shirt and now putting on his brown boots.

Now leaving his room as he passed by a few others in the familia going about their morning. Waving hello or many of them wishing each other good luck for the dungeons today as he made way to the mess hall. Half full and some leaving or going for more helpings of breakfast. 


"Hey./How's it going?/Morning kid!/Good morning!"

Various hellos and waves towards Bell were given as he made way to the lineup for breakfast and picking out what to eat. His plate soon full of multiple choices for breakfast as he was trying to look for space and where Hedin is.

"Morning dear nephew! Looking for you dad?" Bell then turned behind to see Hogni smiling and wrapping his arm around Bell's shoulder. Guiding him towards the back corner of the dining hall and there he could see Hedin, Helun, Heith and surprisingly Allen seated together as he and Hogni made way and pulled out the chairs. 

"Morning Pops! Helun! Heith! Bottom cat boy." Bell said as he smirked at Allen as the cat threw his butter knife at Bell, who tilted his head to avoid the coming knife as it was now imbedded in the wall. 

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