The sudden outburst of cries and screaming brought Tiona and Bell to turn their heads behind them. Seeing the startled and pale white faces of their familias and some of the staff members of the Hostess.
"What's going on you guys? Something wrong?"
"Goddess!? Everyone?! POPS! Oh god do elves' eyes roll back that far? What happened!?"
At the sound of Bell's scared and very concerned voice, Freya and Hedin snapped back to their normal stupors and looked at him. Aside from Hedin, who immediately ran up to the boy and began pinching his cheeks appart and pulling them to the sides.
"Explain yourself young man! Right. Now. On how, do you simultaneously know that wenches's familia member, yet don't know her!?" Hedin pointed out to Tiona, before moving his finger and gaze towards Riveria.
Both elves glared at one another. As Riveria held her staff tight in her hand and pulling Aiz closer to her. While Hedin did the same only with Bell's cheek and grabbed a kitchen knife as a means of a weapon.
"Ahh that! We kinda meet each other briefly in the dungeon a few days ago with your Captain Ottar there. Yeah, kinda our bad we let a minotaur escape. Not to mention taking his target and hunt away from him." Tiona began as she looked at Hedin to explain before she looked back to Bell with a smile.
"We tried to offer him the drops, but he refused. And we talked for a bit and had a lot in common about the rules of adventuring and romance in the dungeon. Yup! He knows how romance in the dungeons work. There are rules to it. Our bad by the way." Tiona said as Bell pulled free from Hedin as he looked back at her with a wave of his hands.
"Nah, you're good. If anything, it isn't you that should be apologizing. Rather your doll looking friend should apologize. And your idiot dog member too. Has he been troubling you about last time?" Bell said as now the conversation was taking an odd turn.
"No not recently, we've been just resting since we left the dungeon. Though he has his idiot moments still. Maybe I should tie him up and force him to learn about romance in the dungeon. OH! You know what, you should join in too!" Tiona said as she leaned in closer to him as he had a wide smile and his eyes growing at the idea.
"Yeah! We could teach that idiot mutt how to really have romance in the dungeon and maybe he'll understand it and not be a complete idiot like Allen!" Bell said as that brought Bete and Allen forward with heated glares at their respective idiot members.
Both of them soon shivered at the sound of something imbedding into the wall. A soft 'ting' sound was heard as they looked behind them. There in the pillar of the pub was now the kitchen knife Hedin had in hand, vibrating and steaming. Along with a fork underneath it.
Turning back again to see their members, with hair now shadowing over their eyes. Covering them, but yet still able to see the sharp gleam in them. Bell's eyes glowing red with a crimson flare emitting from them. And Tiona's with a sharp golden gleam in her eyes.
"Wanna say that again Bete?"
"Really wanna call me that again dog breath? I'll make you less of a man just like I did with Allen with the baptism!" Bell shouted as that caused the Loki familia to blink and looked in worry to Bell. All while Loki bit her lip a little and looked over to Freya, seeing the goddess giving her a smug look back.
"A baptism?! You mean Freya Family's inauguration to join?! You mean you beat the Vana Freya in a fight!" Tiona asked with excited eyes as the cold tension died and turned to a warmth and excitable atmosphere around the pub.

Love! Death! War! They all Love a Rabbit!
FanfictionThe Freya Familia Ran by the Goddess of Love, War and Fertility Freya herself. A familia known for their brutal strength, one of two responsible for casting the other strongest gods, Hera and Zeus, out. Their members being considered the strongest...