Monsterous thuds echoed in the deep floors of the dungeon. Clashing steel sparked and lit the dark dungeon floor. The sparks illuminating the two combatant's face briefly. One of them being Aiz herself. A bored expression on her face as she battled her opponent and flung one of the weapons away and parried the other that struck at her.
The other opponent was a gigantic beast compared to her 5'4" height. It was nine, possibly standing at ten feet tall. It's skin different from the usual color of its species she's killed and faced before. Its body was red like blood. With its chest and arms black with cracked and spider like veins at its arms.
The beast's twin horns were large and oddly colored. One being black that shined like obsidian, and the other being a glowing red. It snarled as it drew another weapon from it's makeshift belt around its hip. Littered and holstering vast smaller weapons around it. From daggers to swords, hammers and axes. To on his back carrying a broadsword.
In its hand, it growled as it had to discard another weapon, a broken golden axe. While the other weapon was already cracking, a dagger, from now clashing against Aiz's sword. Aiz saw the dagger as she palmed against the dagger's hilt. Watching it break as she backed away and raised her sword and aimed it at the monster.
Wind swirling around her body as she was encased in green aura and wind blowing against her hair. Her eyes leered as she watched the monster grab the broadsword from it's back and a hammer from its hip. Seeing the weapons crackling with fire and lightning as it roared at her.
"Lil Rafaga." Aiz whispered as she took a single step forward, and now faced the opposite side of the dungeon's walls.
The wind howling and the monster's roar echoed in the floor. She heard a loud thud and the clanging of metal falling. Looking at her own sword, she slashed it away and saw the blood splattering on the floor before she was about to return it to her sheath.
' arm. It's stunned?' She thought as she felt numbless in her arm holding her sword. Looking at how it twitched and her muscles briefly spasamed and tingled. Turing back to see the monster, a smile graced her lips as she saw it bleeding. But not dead. It looked as though another attack could kill it, but it was on its knees and still alive.
"Impressive. To widstand my Lil Rafaga, is truly impressive for a beast." She said as she took out her sword again and walked over to the beast. Pointing the tip at its forehead as it looked up to her and growled.
"One more attack, and you'll be nothing but ashes in the wind. But, I can't have you dying now." She said as she sheathed her sword finally before walking past the injured monster. The clacking of her heels and armor echoed the dungeon for a while as she was heading to the tunnel leading to the upper level.
She paused as the beast looked at her back. Her golden blonde hair swaying as she looked back to it with her eyes leered, and that same smirk on her face.
"You will not die here to me. You can only die to the one I deem worthy to kill you. The one I tend to make amends for my failures of understanding people. Your weapons you collected from the fallen and dead adventurers in the Deep Floors, whatever you find, I just hope it's enough to help you. Only he can kill you, that boy with white hair and red eyes, like a rabbit." Aiz said before she disappeared into the tunnel's darkness.
Leaving the monster to look at its weapons down on the floor. Seeing its own reflection as it clutched the dungeon floor, clawing it as it let out a roar loud enough to shake the dungeon and rubble to fall.
Hedin Selland, was, and is, a man of patience.

Love! Death! War! They all Love a Rabbit!
FanfictionThe Freya Familia Ran by the Goddess of Love, War and Fertility Freya herself. A familia known for their brutal strength, one of two responsible for casting the other strongest gods, Hera and Zeus, out. Their members being considered the strongest...