|Chapter 13| Some Matters Secrets

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Hey guys here's new chapter. Do tell me your feedback in the comments section. Enjoy..
Shah Zain's POV (Edited)
This can't be possible. I didn't expect that really. My eyes were wide and my throat went constricted. What the hell is she doing here? This is the worst shock of my life. I didn't expect to meet her again after months of her being MIA.

The moment she stepped inside, my eyes fixed on her. She was dressed in a red colored kurti shalwar with a mustard dupatta to compliment her look. She was staring wide eyed at me. I was also looking at her. No, that's not correct. I was glaring at her.

After what she had done, she had the audacity to come and stand infront of us. But I really don't understand what is she doing in Barzan's house. She was still standing rooted onto her spot. Barzan noticed her frozen state and called her

"Shiza, why are your standing there? Come and take a seat."

She snapped out of her wonderland and turned to Barzan. He was looking at her intently. She sighed and walked towards him. She took a seat beside his chair and quietly seated. Her eyes were down-casted.

My fists were clenched and I was barely holding my anger. I wanted to punch the wall. My hands were aching to break something. Every member of the family was tensed and silent. They didn't say anything. Mama was boring holes into Shiza's figure. Barzan then stood up and began

"Thank you so much for you all for accepting my invitation. It's my honour to treat you today."

Baba finally decided to say something

"It's our pleasure, Barzan."

Barzan smiled and sat down back. He glanced at Shiza who was still looking down. She looked uncomfortable. Like she didn't want to be here. Good! She should know that she didn't belong here. I am shocked that she didn't even has any shame.

How easily she came and sat beside him like nothing had happened. Such a despicable woman she is! She has no remorse. Barzan turned to me and stated looking directly at my eyes

"I especially thank you, Shah Zain. I know you don't like such gatherings. But I'm pleased that you decided to pay a visit."

I nodded my head and leaned on the table. I then stated

"Sometimes it's good to try new things. Infact, I got a surprise too."

My last words were directed towards Shiza. She stiffened after hearing my statement. But she reminded quite and didn't say anything. What can she say anyways? Mama was continuously glaring at her.

Baba tried to calm her as he didn't want her to look like she know Shiza. Zarnish hold my hand under the table and squeezed it. I glanced at her and she motioned me to remain calm. I exhaled a deep breath. Barzan's nani then exclaimed happily

"Let's start the dinner, shall we?"

With that said, the maid served us dinner and we all dig into the food.

After the dinner was over, I scooted back in my seat. I wanted to leave. It's like the air is suffocating me. The mere sight of her was making me cringe in disgust. How shameless she is! She is still sitting infront of us after stabbing us in the back.

How can people be so inconsiderate. They don't even care of the other's feelings. They love to crush their feelings. What kind of people are they? Do they don't have any heart that can tell them about their wrong doings? I tried to control my anger. It was on bay and it was getting difficult for me to hold it inside me. She didn't even glance at me for once but my eyes were fixed at her.

I wanted her to look at me. I wanted to show her from my eyes that how much I hate her. How much she has hurt my dado. Dado was miserable after she heard about her motives. She was locked in her room for days. How easily she betray my dado? Dado always treated her like a daughter and that is how she paid her back.

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