|Chapter 19| The New Inclusion

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Hey guys here's the another update. Do share your thoughts in the comments section. Please don't be silent. Also check out my insta @iwrites11..
Shiza's POV (Edited)

I was sitting in now my room currently. I still can't believe I'm at the Haveli. The rukhsati was done. I cried so much in the embrace of khala. She was my motherly figure. She and Bisma are the only family I have. It's heartbreaking just thinking that I won't be living with them anymore.

They will be leaving tomorrow for their own house. I cried and cried until I have no tears left. Shah Zain not even once talk to me. It's like he was just a robot following everyone's order. Forget talking, he didn't even look at me once. Am I that bad that he can't even look at me?

What is my fault? He shouldn't be so judgemental. He should've listened to me too. Well, after the rukhsati, I was taken to my room. Well, not my room, it's Shah Zain's room. The room was decorated with flowers and lights. His entire theme was changed. It's my first time sitting on his bed. Just remembering the last encounter with him in this room made me shudder.

He gravely warned me not to enter in his room again but look where fate had taken me. Now I am sitting in his very room as his bride. Shehnaz Ammi came in my room and assured me that everything will be ok.

I think she had noticed how Zohra aunty was glaring at me all the time. She assured me that Shah Zain will understand everything with the time. I just nodded because I don't have words to say. I was desperately missing my old bedroom and my own home. It's all so new to me. It's making me uneasy and homesick.

After Shehnaz Ammi left, no one entered. Shah Zain was gone since the time of the rukhsati. I am just sitting here waiting endlessly and uselessly for someone who might not even care for me. Just by the thought of it, made my ears blurry with tears. I never wished to be an unwanted wife.

I wanted a soul mate who would listen to my worries and will promise to stay by my side even in the worse times. But I don't think Shah Zain will ever be a husband that I always wished for. He doesn't even like me. He will never accept me. I wiped my tears.

This dress is too heavy and it's work was irritating my skin now. I really want to change from it. But I really don't know if my luggage is here or not. What if he denied to have my luggage in his room? Am I even allowed here? Ya Allah! Will he be angry if he found me sitting here? His last warning was still roaming in my mind making me worry.

But before I could stand or leave the room, the door opened itself. My breath hitched. My heart felt like it was running on a marathon of itself. There stood Shah Zain. His sherwani was off and now only a white colored kurta supported him. He was not looking at me but I heard him taking a long sigh.

I remained rooted on my spot. I down-casted my eyes not wanting to look at his hatred filled eyes. It will damped my mood more. Soon, I heard footsteps and door locking. I looked up and saw that he was in the shower. I released a breath of relief. I decided to stand up and search for my luggage.

After much difficulty, I was able to stand up. I looked in the room but there was no sign of my luggage anywhere. It's all empty. The door clicked open and he came out freshly showered. He was drying his hairs with a towel.

He walked towards the dresser completely ignoring me. I have to ask him. It's his room. But will he answer me? He is ignoring me. I don't think he will answer my question. But I need my clothes. Suddenly, I heard a deep yet hard voice

"Are you planning to stand here overnight?"

I looked up and he was staring at me. There was hardness in his eyes and voice. I looked around and saw that I was blocking his way to the bed. I immediately scooted away and he sighed walking towards the bed. He sat down and started unfolding the quilt. Should I ask? I was about to say but his rude voice cut me in between

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