|Chapter 33| The Overdue Acceptance

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Here's another update guys. Do shower your love on it too...

Shah Zain's POV (Edited)

I pulled her to my chest and wrapped my arms around her. It was a very bold and unpredictable gesture from my side because I noticed the way her whole stiffened and froze. She hadn't wrapped her arms around me. Maybe, she was still shock. I could bet, she didn't expect me to hug her out of nowhere. But I just couldn't control my instincts. I felt that incompressible urge to hug the life out of her. Her teary, innocent orbs played the lead role in that.

Slowly, she relaxed her body and also wrapped her arms around me. She tightened her hold and placed her head on my chest. I could feel her shaking from sobs. My shirt was probably getting wet but it's the least thing I cared about now. She was sniffling and trying not to cry. So, I rubbed her back to sooth her. She shouldn't cry over something she didn't do.

Finally, she pulled away. She had her eyes down too shy or maybe awkward to look at me. I scratched my neck in utter nervousness. I despised that feeling. I took a long breath to calm my racing heart and motioned her to sit down on the not so good looking bed. As she sat, I also took a seat beside her. She was still looking down so I placed my fingers beneath her chin and lifted her face up. She had stopped crying but reminses were still there. Dried tears marks appeared on her procelian cheeks. Honey like eyes red and puffy from crying. I hated that. I hated that I wasn't there to protect her when everyone was blaming her. I felt so sick.

When I saw that she had recovered from her fit of crying, I stated

"C'mon, let's go."

She looked at me with confused eyes and asked


I answered holding eye contact

"You're not staying here. Let's go to home."

She looked hesitant so I grabbed her hand and started walking towards the main house. I think it's time for them to understand that Shiza is not just a human but my wife and I will not tolerate anything harmful against her anymore. It took too much time to understand the worth of her but now that I have realized, I'll be damned if I ever let her mistreated by someone.

As we made our way inside the house, I could feel Shiza tightening her grip on me. I didn't look back and just kept walking. As we reached the lounge, I saw everyone gathered. Since it's Sunday so literally everyone was at home. Mama's eyes immediately hardened when she saw Shiza and stood up from her place. She looked so angry and stated in her hard tone

"What is she doing here?"

I chose not to reply. I started to walk upstairs but dad's voice stopped me

"Your mother asked you a question, Zain?"

I sighed heavily before turning around and causally saying


Mama hissed before saying

"I asked what is she doing here?"

I looked at Shiza and saw her eyes down. She was looking scared but she shouldn't be. I once again turned to mama and told her again causally

"It's just me and my wife going to our room."

Mama's eyes widened for a second. Of course, she hadn't expected me to address Shiza as my wife. But enough is enough now. She snickered dryly before taunting

"What wife are you talking about, Shah Zain? She was practically forced upon you."

I clenched my jaw. I don't like how mom was taunting her. She remained quite for a few moments before saying as a matter of fact

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