| Chapter 41| The Audacity Of The Bad

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Hey guys, here's another update. Also wanna tell you that this story is almost finishing. Maybe four to five chapters are left..I hope you all enjoy the rest of the updates too..

Author's POV (Edited)

A gloom air was surrounded on to the roof of Mir's Haveli. Nobody talked to each other anymore. Everyone had confined to their own cocoons. The once chattering living room was now filled with utter silence. Layers of quietness laid on the sofas of now dirty lounges. No one ate together anymore.

It's like the whole family had been cracked by the farewell of only one member. No one wants to spend time with each other anymore. The house kept in the hallow of silence every time of the day. Shehnaz Begum bad been affected by it the most.

She always wanted her family to stick together. She always wanted to see them happy together. She wanted them to stay close to each other in the bad times and the good times.

But alas everything was changed. Everyone was holding grudges towards each other. No one wants to stay in each other's presence even for a minute. It's like everyone was just tolerating each other for the sake of family formalities. No one wants to even talk.

Shehnaz Begum prayed to God in every Salah. She prayed to him to grant her family necessary wisdom. She doesn't want to leave this world knowing that her once sticking together family was now cracked and broken beyond repair. Her eyes bleed tears when she saw how everyone was giving each other cold shoulders.

Small to big arguments over trivial things are now daily dose for the Mir's haveli. Everyone was at each other's throat. Shehnaz was tired of their continuous bickering. Taunts, mockery, anger, sarcastic remarks had now became the constant member of their house.

Shehnaz was worried that her family might hurt each other too. She just prayed for god to return happiness to them once again. May her family stick back together once again. Her only wish is to see her family together when she leaves this world for good..


Aaban was in the backyard of the house. The night had fallen. It was almost dinner time but yet he was there sitting outside in the garden. He doesn't want to go inside. He doesn't like to eat alone. But, right now, all he found himself is alone. No one eats together even one time a day. They were far too gone to sit down like wise people and sort out their matters.

Rather they were choosing the easy way out. Everyone had developed a kind of an ignoring mechanism where they would just ignore each other presence to the core and think that they are peacefully living.

But it's far from reality.

No one is happy anymore. No one even smiles since Shah Zain left. Aaban misses his elder brother. He shared a weird kind of bond with him. They both kept teasing each other and are always at each other's throat but they love each other to the moon and back. Shah Zain was Aaban's mentor, his guide. He always look forward to him whenever he can't decided anything.

But right now, he can't even talk to him anymore. He wanted to give his brother some time alone. He had already faced so much and now he doesn't want to burden him. He deserves some time with his wife too.

He had a marital life now. His top most responsibility is Shiza now. Aaban had seen how little time they got here when they were living in the Haveli. Now, that they finally got some time alone from the constant headaches, he doesn't want to add his emotions on them too.

His brother had finally been happy in his life and he will do anything to keep his happiness intact. That's how much he loves his brother. He can do anything for him. Even if he has to sacrifice some things too..

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