|Chapter 30| Chaoctic Feelings

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Hey guys here's another update. I really hope you all are liking the story. But please comment as much as you can. I loves to read comment. Do tell me about the update whether you like it or not. I'll improve myself.
Shah Zain's POV (Edited)

The time at the office went in blur and I barely got free time. Since we have just made a partnership with The Malik's work had been doubled. We have to be on toes and always ready for any situation. I didn't even get time to lunch. I was starving right now. As I checked the time, it was close to 9:00. I decided to wrap up my work. I closed the tabs on my laptop before shutting it down. Then I stood up and stretched my arms. I felt like my neck has gone stiff. I grabbed my coat from the hanger and exited the office.

I started my drive back home. I wonder what happened at home today. Usually, I call mama to ask but today I was really busy that I didn't even touch my phone. All I have today were meetings. I wonder what Shiza did the whole day. Is she ok? I don't understand why my thoughts are going back on her. I don't like her. Then why do these thoughts have clouded my mind. I can't seem to think about anything else. I don't know what's wrong with me. Why can't I focus on other things? Things were going normal before that party.

I wondered if that party incident changed something. I shook my head to get rid of the thoughts. I blinked my eyes and focused back on the road. I need to reach home. I killed the engine when I parked the car at the house's parking. I stepped out of the car and made my towards the door. I juggled the keys in the lock before opening it. I made my way in the lounge and found Yusra and Lubna Chachi sitting there. I greeted them and they answered respectively.

I saw Shiza making her way out of the kitchen. When she saw me, she stopped for a moment before greeting Chachi. They obviously didn't reply to her which kind of made her awkward. She chose to ignore it and asked them politely

"Do you want anything?"

She was asking as a general question. Her voice held softness into it and there was a smile etched onto her face. But they replied really badly

"No, we don't need to get anything by your hands. You better don't touch our things."

This dropped her smile and her posture went slumped. She looked so embarrassed and I felt like a total dumb for not saying anything. She down casted her eyes and I felt so angry at them that I couldn't stop myself before the words went out

"I don't think it's a crime if you had answered her politely."

They both turned to look at me with shocked printed onto their faces. Of course, it was unexpected. I could see Shiza from the corner of my eyes looking wide eyed at me. Yusra Chachi scoffed before muttering

"You want us to talk to her politely?"

She emphasized on the word 'her'. I shrugged before saying

"Yes. Just like the way she asked you politely."

They were tongue tied now. They both were looking at me with shock before standing up and exiting the living area. I sighed and closed my eyes. I felt like it should have stayed in the office. At house, there's always problems. I rubbed my forehead as I could feel a headache forming. I heard her soft and timid voice

"Do you need anything?"

I looked at to glance at her. She was fidgeting with her shirt and looking down. I sighed heavily before finally answering

"Yes, please bring me a glass of water. I'll be in the room."

She nodded her head before disappearing into the kitchen again. I took a deep breath before making my way upstairs to take a long bath to calm down my nerves.

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