|Chapter 24| The Notion Of Self Doubt

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Hey guys here's the new update. I really hope you like it. I am trying my best to make this story as interesting as I could. Don't forget to check out my instagram account with same name as Wattpad.

Shiza's POV (Edited)

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Shiza's POV (Edited)

One month passed by a blink of an eye. I still can't believe that today I had completed one month of our wedding. It doesn't feel like a wedding at all. In the span of one month, I have faced nothing but ignorance and silent treatment from almost everyone.

No one treated me like a normal human being or atleast like a daughter in law. Zohra aunty's constant taunts, insults and patronizing words are daily reminders of my unwanted existence in this house. Shehnaz Ammi was trying her best to keep the environment of this Haveli as optimist as possible but it's almost next to impossible since no one really pay attention to keep the environment positive.

Yusra and Lubna aunty had also joined Zohra aunty in belittling me and since then I have been not only facing Zohra aunty but them too. They were always at my neck. They did their best in making me feel outdated and out of the gathering. They never failed to make me cry. They never fail to pull tears in my eyes. But I am still quiet. I don't want to worry Shehnaz Ammi.

She definitely knows that I'm not getting a proper and good treatment at all. I know that she is doing her best to handle the situation but nothing is in her favour right now. I knew this back before I agreed to married. I was never thought as good to this Haveli. They always saw me as a care taker.

More precisely, a poor and compelled care taker who's in a desperate need of money. They always pictured me as a girl who is after their money and who is selfish enough to stole their jewels. They tried to taunt me on that incident many times but I didn't pay heed to that.

I didn't do that and Zohra aunty knew that so why should I let that affect me? I'm no way wrong and I shouldn't be feeling guilty at all. They conspired against me. They should feel bad not me. I am a victim of their disgusting game. No one still knows the truth. I do want to tell everyone but I knew that no one here will believe me. Not even Shehnaz Ammi.

Whether or not, Zohra aunty is her daughter in law and no sane mother in law will thought that her daughter in law who she thought is the most decent will harm a girl's characters in spite of just getting her fired. Shah Zain is out of question. That person didn't even look at me.

He just behaves like I don't exists at all. We both share a room together as a couple but so far nothing had happened. He still slept on sofa ignoring me totally and I still slept hoping that he might try to talk to me. That he might once consider me as his wife. That he might talk to me.

Because believe it or not, even after having so many people in company, I still feel lonely. I still feel like I have no one. I still feel like a I'm an orphan with no one to call her family. I still feel like a sad and distress who is in desperate need of some company. I am ignored all my life by people I've met. They all rather looked at me with pity and sympathy. I want someone who I can share my inner turmoil with.

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