|Chapter 26 |The Tint of Jealousy

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Hey guys here's another update for you all. I know the updates pattern is all messed up but bear with me since it's was the Holy month and I got barely got time to write..
Shah Zain's POV (Edited)

It was merely two days after me and Shiza got into an argument. When I left the room that night, I didn't come back. I went on a drive to clear out my mind and to get some fresh air. My thoughts were clouded and I was having difficulty in chosing between right and wrong. My mind was in a haze and I couldn't pin point to anything.

I came late at night almost near morning. I carefully entered not wanting to wake her up. Relieving in sigh when I saw that she was out asleep. I made my way inside the bathroom and changed into my night dress. I came out and took out my spot on the bed and dozed off to sleep. At morning, when I woke up, she was not in the room.

This goes on to two more days.

Right now, I was getting ready for office. She was again not in the room. I didn't let it wander on my mind and took my time in getting dressed. I chose to wear a dark grey colored tuxedo with white crisp shirt underneath. I styled my hairs before making my way downstairs. As I reached the dining area, baba's voice greeted me

"Zain, beta ao."

(Zain, dear come)

He was in cheery mood. That's a little unusual. I smiled at him before taking my seat. Baba sighed and stated

"How's work going on, son?"

I answered not understanding his sudden need to ask me

"It's going great, dad. But why you're asking?"

He looked at me before saying

"Why? Can't I ask?"

I shook my head before answering

"Of course, you can ask."

He smiled and resumed reading the paper. Soon, the dining area filled. Aaban and Salar made their way and sat down. Aaban looked like he was high on drugs because there were bags under his eyes and his eyes looked swollen too. Mama's worried voice reached my ears

"Aaban, beta. Ye kia halat banai hui ha apni."

(Aaban, look at your condition, what happened?)

Aaban sighed before answering

"Ask your son."

Mama and baba's head flipped towards me and I leaned back in shock. I turned to Aaban before asking him

"How am I included in it?"

He groaned before answering himself

"He gave ton of work to me and asked me to complete it till Monday. How am I supposed to get sleep then?"

His voice held accusation. I rolled my eyes before muttering idiot under my breath. Kinza then joked

"That's why Zain bhai is CEO and you're not."

She snickered at the end and Aaban feigned hurt before muttering

"You just slashed my heart with those harsh words."

Kinza rolled her eyes before smacking his head making him gasp. Their banter continued but my eyes searched for Shiza. Where is she? Another thing to notice is that dado is also not present? I turned to baba and he probably noticed my frowned eyebrow so he answered

"Ammi has went to take a stroll. She already had her breakfast early as she has little work to do. Shiza accompanied her."

I nodded at the piece of information before starting to eat my breakfast.

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