June 30th - Letter Six

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Wow. Half a year has passed by. A lot really happened these past few months. It's already June. Time flies by quickly, don't you think Jimmy? And a lot happens.

So I'll give a quick summary to you. The next two letters (or maybe the next one only) will probably be keeping up with whatever has been happening in the server, not just what I've been doing. 

Xisuma had to pass by to tell me all of this, by the way. I asked him if I could know what the other Hermits and Empires members have been up to, while I've just been stuck in my house. Then again, I did make myself stay at home. I never bothered to open the door the first few months this year and go out.

The Hermits have been deciding that they would make a region for themselves. For some reason, the Hermits and Empires members wanted to live in different places with the same group of people from past worlds. There would still be communication with each other, and the spawn area, but I don't know how I feel about that.

It's a good thing because we would have the same people to talk to. We wouldn't have to meet with the other members we merged with. But then again, it kind of cuts off the reason why we merged. There's just no reason for it to happen.

I might suggest to Xisuma that the Hermits and Empires member to make a project together. Like, a mega project, you know? That way we might actually have a reason for merging.

Xisuma also told me something else, but I won't mention it here. Not yet, at least. It's a bit too early for that, I think.

If you want to know what Grian has been up to, there's some grand news. Not really, but you get the point. Anyways, Grian hasn't started planning his big project at all.

Xisuma says it's because of what happened with you, and that he also feels guilty about how I've been dealing with it. I feel bad now.

I should try talking to him - like, full on conversation and not just a few words. I also realised I haven't been quoting when I say stuff, but it'd feel more as if I'm writing a story than a letter. It'd awkward, if you know what I mean.

I don't really remember much of what else he's told me. He hasn't really been able to talk to the Empires people though.They excuse that they're very busy with projects.

It reminds me that you should be with them, planning these projects out. Instead you won't. You're just not able to.

Life is a bitch.

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